CD of the Month
  • Mudvayne
    by Mudvayne
  • Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground New Edition
    Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground New Edition
    by Michael Moynihan, Didrik Soderlind
  • Retribution
    by Shadows Fall
  • Brutal Legend
    Brutal Legend
    Electronic Arts

Six Minute Century - Wasting Time

Was it just one guy that did all of those CG rendered prog album covers back in the day?Being from Houston, it's very tempting to give local progmetal band Six Minute Century a greater review for their second studio album Wasting Time than I might normally give. Don't get me wrong, the four members of the band are each top notch musicians, as one would expect. But, admittedly, their music has a very nineties feel that I have a hard time enjoying with the same enthusiasm I did when it actually was the nineties.

That said, let's run down the particulars: Chuck Williams has a great voice that provides a good contrast to the layered crunchy guitars of Don LaFon who, like Michael Romeo (Symphony X), seems to be the main orchestrator of the proceedings. The other standout musician is easily Michael Millsap who gets his chance in the spotlight on Czardas (and the opening of Last Days In Paradise) with some bass playing that demonstrates an impressive mix of speed, fluidity, and restraint. But, like I said, there's no denying the talent everyone in this band possesses.

In the end, however, I think it's a combination of little things that keep me from giving a perfect score; the mix is a bit flat with little of the space between instruments necessary for a band so full of technical skills. The vocal harmonies could stand some more punch; it all sounds like not enough intervallic distance, making them seem just doubled or even tripled. And the production could use more separation of the bass in the mix. Granted, I'm no audio engineer and these are minor quibbles, but like I said, collectively they were enough to hurt the overall presentation a little.

The Bottom Line: It's true there is no shortage of progmetal bands out there, but I respect the obvious talent in Six Minute Century, and really look forward to watching them grow and make more music. Even the venerable Dream Theater started somewhere (listen to When Dream And Day Unite again some time), honing their sound and songwriting over the years into the popular music it is today. I think LaFon and company may have what it takes to do it too.

Tracks To Make You Break Out Your Bryce Installation Disc: Baptized In Flames, Paying Death's Toll, and Defining Moment

- Genghis thinks this album will grow on him with repeated listens...


Podcast #164: Spooky

Bad-ass Dio Jack O'Lantern tribute by Shawn Feeney (, it's that time of year again, so join Genghis & Ragman as they go on their annual Halloween zombie hunt. While the boys are taking care of the undead, they also take time out to discuss the states of death, horror and black metal; fad or here to stay?

Next, the boys get a call from David Henzerling for an update from the Southwest, as he informs the boys of the infestation in Arizona as well as what we can expect from his latest solo project, Steelshine.

Later, the boys also get a call from vocalist Sean Peck who checks in with an update from the West coast and gives us the lowdown on his latest project DeathDealer and their debut Warmaster.

Beer of the Show: Dead Guy Ale (Rogue Brewing Co.)
Appearance: 3.0
Aroma: 3.5
Palate: 3.0
Taste: 3.5
Overall: 3.5
"We couldn't have Halloween without our favorite seasonal treat. So well-balanced, it goes with just about anything."

2nd Beer of the Show: Pumpkin Ale (Horseheads Brewing)  Beer Rating: 3.5

Featured Tracks: Mercyful Fate - The Oath; We As Human - Zombie; Type O Negative - Wolf Moon; King Diamond - Abigail; In Flames - A New Dawn; Steelshine - Devil Moon, Paparazzi, Rock n Roll Has Made a Man Out of Me, Ain't Getting Any Younger, and Laughing; Omnium Gatherum - New Dynamic; Between the Buried and Me - Lay Your Ghosts to Rest; Blood Ceremony - Witchwood; James LaBrie - Undertow; Gwar - Falling; Deathdealer - Head Spike Wall, Deathdealer, Children of the Flames, Hammer Down, and Warmaster; Dimmu Borgir - Progenies of the Great Apocalypse

- Ragman can't believe he and Genghis survived another year...

Podcast #164: Spooky


Týr - Valkyrja

These boys from the Faroe Islands make some really bad ass Viking metal, you better believe.Ah, the rich subgenre of viking metal. It lies somewhere in between black and folk metal but has a sound all its own, as its fans know all too well. And while I can't say I'm one of those fans, I can tell good metal when I hear it. Týr's latest effort, Valkyrja, is their seventh studio album and tells the tale of a Viking warrior striving to battle his way to worthiness for his beloved goddess Freyja, The Lady Of The Slain. Oh yeah, this is the real deal. And for a nice touch, Leaves' Eyes vocalist, Liv Kristine, joins lead singer Heri Joensen on the track The Lay of Our Love, lending a haunting beauty to the atmospheric opening arpeggios. Great stuff.

BONUS: The album has a really bad ass cover as well.

But ultimately, what's impressive is the cohesiveness of the storyline/songwriting and how it all feels like an epic tale being handed down to some new generation of Viking youth. It is said that the traditional music of the Vikings - none of which is recorded anywhere - is passed on through oral tradition and kept alive and well in Týr's native country, from which they heavily draw inspiration for their music. So, if nothing else, I must salute these Faroese sons for their intense national pride and sense of heritage. It doesn't hurt that this is some pretty bad ass metal to boot. Epic/Power metal fans should definitely give this a listen.

NOTE: This release also includes two amazing covers of Iron Maiden's Where Eagles Dare and Pantera's Cemetery Gates, should you doubt Týr's non-Viking metal related skills. Also, shame on you!

The Bottom Line: Týr has made a pretty solid concept record in homage to their Norse heritage, replete with all the staples of viking metal; thundering bass, torrential drumbeats, choral harmonies and lightning guitar work. And, yes, more Norse mythological themes than you can shake Mjölnir at. So, fans of the genre come and ride the lightning!

Tracks That May Cause Explosive Beard Growth: Hel Hath No Fury, The Lay of Our Love, Grindavisan, Lady of the Slain, and Valkyrja

- Genghis thinks Týr should write their own soundtrack to that new Thor movie...


The Nearly Deads - Zombie EP

Yeah, it's yet another chick-fronted modern rock band, but these kids got moxie.Thanks to bands like District 97 and lead singer Leslie Hunt's exhilarating vocals, my itch for female singers in a heavy rock setting has been scratched for a while. But along comes The Nearly Deads' Zombie EP with its heavy pop/modern rock rhythyms that back up a blonde chanteuse with great stage presence and the voice to back it up. Having started in Florida, they've since moved to Nashville with every intention of making it big by constantly writing and performing to hone their chops.

The band themselves seem to have a diverse set of influences, but they all collectively love 90s era grunge and claim to want to fly that flag - though I don't really hear that in their music. The music on this EP sounds more along the lines of modern rock, or heavier pop music (probably sounding so because of Theresa Jeane's vocals) with a enough attitude thrown in to make it fun without becoming the self-parody most neo-punk tends to be - even though the Evanesence-style remix Never Look Back (Reanimated) teeters on the edge.

The Bottom Line: Imagine Kelly Clarkson singing for The Foo Fighters and you start to get the idea of what you're in for with The Nearly Deads, a band that's working their asses off to make it as a modern rock band on their terms, and I have high hopes for them.

- Genghis really did like that zombie video for Never Look Back...


It's that time again, folks...

Uh, baby, I think you maybe need to touch up your lipstick a little bit, m'kay?Time for Genghis & Ragman to do their part to keep you safe from the shambling undead that threaten your existence each year. This go around, we've gotten reports from listeners about strange goings on near an abandoned hospital in Baytown.

It's all the usual stuff about ghostly images of people in hospital gowns soaked in blood, and even the occasional spirit child, a little girl, showing up out of nowhere with ominous warnings for the intrepid urban explorer.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure this won't be any trouble at all...The weather report says it should rain all dang night, but that's never stopped the lads before. They're loaded for bear with John and Bane in tow (including calls from our fellow zombie-hunting, celebrity correspondents from around the country), and - assuming they survive the night - they'll return soon with a recording of their adventure to thrill and rock you like...some sort of natural disaster.

So, keep listening and keep those horns up!

- Genghis is not thrilled about this ghost kid stuff (creeeeeepy)...