The Ragman Show - Podcast-012
Ever been scammed? Ever think you could be so gullible? Well your boy Ragman fell for the oldest trick in the book, after his phone was stolen in The Big Easy. Tune out to hear his story. Next he brings in his boy Alex for a chat about music, nonsense and what ever comes to mind.
Editor's Note: Due to some maybe excessive beer drinking Ragman got the band wrong on the Fit for a King tour. It was Northlane, not Lorna Shore. Close right? That said you will get both in this show.
Beer of the Show: Bad Astronaut - Fake Landing Beer Rating: 3.5
Featured Tracks: Story of the Year - Real Life, Lamb of God - Ditch, Behemoth - Arcana Hereticae, Ozzy Osbourne - Flying High Again, Lorna Shore - And I Return to Nothingness, Betrayal of Guilt - It's Already Over, Vinnie Vincent Invasion - Boys Are Gonna Rock, The Answer - Oh Cherry, Northlane - Clockwork
Ragman - This is s heavy one, prepare thy neck...