CD of the Month
  • Mudvayne
    by Mudvayne
  • Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground New Edition
    Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground New Edition
    by Michael Moynihan, Didrik Soderlind
  • Retribution
    by Shadows Fall
  • Brutal Legend
    Brutal Legend
    Electronic Arts

Hardline - Danger Zone

Hardline is one of those bands that I get pretty geeked about, when I hear they're releasing a new music.  Hardline studio albums are few and far between, only releasing 4 albums in the last 20+ years.  The band has been on and off since the early 90's, and with many line up changes as you can imagine.  You really never know who is going to play on a record, with the exception of vocalist Johnny Gioeli.  It was pretty much a given, that you would see Josh Ramos (ex-Storm) on guitars, until their latest release Danger Zone.  Danger Zone marks a whole new line up of unknowns, backing up Mr. Gioeli.  Also, looking at the credits, it appears that most of the CD was written by the keyboardist Alessandro Del Vecchio (who?). 

Danger Zone starts in typical fashion with the melodic rocker Fever Dreams.  It's your standard midtempo AOR/melodic rocker.  Unfortunately, the first few tracks on the CD are just cookie cutter AOR styled tunes that don't have alot of substance.  Yeah they're catchy and Gioeli sounds great, but they just fall a little flat.  That is the problem with band's putting out new product and others writing for them, you lose that originality factor.   It wasn't until the 4th track, What I Like, that things started getting interesting.  It is a mid-tempo rocker with more punch and flavor.  It is followed by the killer ballad Stronger Than Me.  From this point on, the record stands on it own, with only a few misteps.  All in all a killer record, maybe not as strong as their last one, but no slouch.

Bottom Line: Hardline proving that they can still do it, even if Gioeli is the only original member left.  A nice variety of melodic hard rock.  Hardline fans will not be disappointed.

Standout Tracks: Stronger Than Me, Never Too Late for Love, Don't Want to Break Away and What I Like.

-Ragman is wondering what Mr. Ramos is doing, killer guitarist.


Duran Duran - A Diamond in the Mind (BluRay)

Okay, okay, bust my balls, why don't ya?  Why is Ragman reviewing a Duran Duran DVD, you ask?  Well, to be honest, they have always been a guilty pleasure of mine, since the early 80's.  I haven't really followed the band since The Wedding Album in 1995, so I was curious to see what they were up to.  Unfortunately, whilst viewing this DVD I realized that Andy Taylor was no longer in the group.  Apparently he left back in 2006, and was replaced by guitarist Dom Brown (who?).   Andy was the guy that brought them some rock credibility back in the day, as well as his first replacement Warren Cucurrullo (Missing Persons).   Too bad they couldn't lure back Currurullo, but not sure that could have happened, after he was fired to bring back Taylor.  That being said, I was intrigued by this release and had to check it out.

A Diamond in the Mist is a solid set from the pop/rock veterans.  The set is a combination of the new and the old material.  The show was filmed in 2011 in support of their then current release, All You Need is Now CD.  The band sound great and seem to be performing as strong as they did back in the day.  Again, I was disappointed in the guitarist, even though they were not know for guitar acrobatics, it would have been nice to have seen either Taylor or Currurullo wielding the axe in lieu of Brown.  Brown is adequate, but that is about it. 

The DVD is shot in a film type format and looks spectacular.  Thank God for BuRay!  The film has some special effects mixed in to add some flavor, and for this band and their type of music, it worked.  It was fun to watch the boys on stage, because it really seemed like they were enjoying themselves.  The funny thing about this band, is that it seems like none of these guys have aged.  Weird!  Guess they don't live as hard as us headbangers.  An enjoyable watch from start to finish. 

Bottom Line: If you're looking to tone it down and see how the other pop/alternative rockers do it, then this is right up you're alley.  Dare I say, classic band still firing on all cylinders?  Yes I do.

-Ragman was exploring his softer side with this one.


Bachman & Turner - Live at Roseland (BluRay)

I have to say I was never the biggest BTO fan growing up.  Sure there were the hits like Let it Ride, You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet and Takin Care of Business, but other than that, I was oblivious to the rest of their catalog.   To be fair, they were a 70's band that pretty much finished their hey day about 6 years after their inception.  This was a little before my time, but not too much before.  The band has been making the rounds in several different incarnations over the years, but it wasn't until about 3 years ago that the band got back on track.  Randy Bachman and Fred Turner reunited and actually recorded some new material in 2009, simply titled Bachman and Turner.  The band has been touring on and off in support of that record ever since. 

The latest release from the band is the new DVD Live at Roseland.  The show was shot back in 2010, at the Roseland Ballroom in New York.  The show was shot beautifully and looks amazing on BluRay.  The set list is a mix of the classics as well as some tunes from their 2009 release.  The band looks and sounds well.  Always encouraging to see guys in their 70's still rocking out.  The sound on the Bluray is crisp.  I have to say that this was an enjoyable watch, even though I wasn't familiar with much of the material, other than the hits.  Not all of the tunes were keepers, but it didn't matter because this show looks so amazing.  Classic Rock fiends this is right up your alley, for the newbies, not so much.

Bottom LineBTO fans, it is Christmas in July.  A solid set from the boys covering the classics as well as a few new ones.  Classic rock done right by the pioneers. 

-Ragman is takin' care of business.



I haven't seen a good revenge type movie in a long time, and from what I heard about Daylight, it sounds like my prayers have been answered.  Daylight is a about a husband and wife on their way to a wedding, but instead of going straight there, they make the unfortunate mistake of picking up a homicidal hitchhiker.  Once the hitchhiker is picked up, things get interesting.  The husband bargains to stay alive, by promising great fortunes to his detainees, while the the pregnant wife finds other ways to stay out of harms way.   The film primarily centers around the wife, and the kidnappers.  The twist is, is that the bad guys start falling for her.  The film is much more about the kidnapping, because it also digs into the woman's strained relationship with her husband. 

Daylight offers up some nice twist, as well as a different take on your average kidnapper type flick.  The acting is strong as well as the cinematography.  The story line may drag at times, but towards the end, it is all put to bed with a little action and gore.  Let's just say that there is some slicing and dicing at the end.  Sorry to be so vague, but I don't want to give you the ending.

Bottom Line Daylight will keep your interest, though it may drag in some areas.  The acting was good, and the story was strong, but unfortunately it had some moments that drug down the interest level.

- Ragman's beer belly is often mistaken for a 6 month pregnancy.


The Disco Exorcist 

The Disco Exorcist is a film about guy named Rex, who is the Don Juan of the disco techs.  Dude is a 70's style player that goes after any chick he fancies.  To get to the point, holmes loves em, and then leaves them, until he meets the wrong broad.  Bottom line, Rex ditches the wrong woman, and after that chaos ensues.  Apparently one of the ladies he was friendly with, happens to be some sort or witch or voodoo priestess, that starts to cast spells on him, and his conquests, after he dumps her.

The movie is shot as a 70's style retro exploitation horror flick.  It's got the old film grainy look, for effect, which comes off looking fairly authentic.  The movie is entertaining, and mixes comedy with horror.  It is an homage to the genre with a little added cheese. 

I think the director was going for a Grindhouse (Robert Rodriguez/Quinten Tarantino) type vibe and got pretty close.  This movie is not as strong as the Grindhouse films, but does merit a viewing.   Though the story could be funnier, it does keep your interest.  The special effects are good, for what they were trying to achieve, and they succeed in creating a classic looking 70's style horror flick.  All in all not a bad flick.  A film that will keep you entertained though out.

Bottom Line: A retro exploitation type 70's horror flick filmed in the new millennium.  A movie that achieves its goal for what it seeks, but falls a little short in the entertainment department.

-Ragman is thinking it is time to pull out some classic horror movies.