CD of the Month
  • Mudvayne
    by Mudvayne
  • Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground New Edition
    Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground New Edition
    by Michael Moynihan, Didrik Soderlind
  • Retribution
    by Shadows Fall
  • Brutal Legend
    Brutal Legend
    Electronic Arts

Bloodbound - Unholy Cross

These guys may not impress with innovation, but they are solid and consistent - and that rocks.Bloodbound are back with their 4th studio album entitled Unholy Cross.   Often confused as a black metal band, with a power metal complex, Bloodbound have been putting out solid music for the last 7 years.  The band has been replacing vocalists like you change your trash bags, but at least they have been consistent in the music that they provide.  The newest vocalist to take the reigns is Patrick Johansson of Dawn of Silence fame.  Patrick continues the same powerful Bruce Dickinson-ish vocal style of Urban Breed (Original vocalist of the band), without really altering the band's signature sound. 

Bloodbound is a power metal band that sings of the dark side.  Their lyrics are darker than most traditional power metal bands, but the melody is still there.   Instead of singing of dragons and warriors, they sing about the dark one.  Unholy Cross oozes of traditional 80's meat and potatoes metal, with the power metal vibe sprinkled in, to add more flavor.  The songs are well structured and cry out for you to sing along. Most of the songs contain solid hooks with melodic choruses.  Not all the songs hit the mark, but the majority do.  This one has grown on me with repeated listens.  Worth checking out.

Bottom Line: Solid power metal from a somewhat veteran band.  The band is 7 years in, and appear not to be losing any ground.  Good solid melodic songs that contain solid ripping and solid musicianship.  It may not blow your doors, but is likely to stay in the rotation for awhile.

Standout Tracks: Reflections of Evil, The Ones We Left Behind, Together We Fight and Unholy Cross

- Ragman is on a tear...


The Metal Minute #6

This week, Genghis changes things up by talking a bit about how some of the old guard in metal are embracing change and what that means for the metal genre overall.  Guys like Tommy Lee and Geoff Tate are in the news lately showing real signs of a willingness to change to exist and compete in today's business climate as working musicians and that's saying something.  Cuz musicians aren't exactly known for their flexibility.

Hit up the discussion forums for further talk about the subject as a possible expatiation in an upcoming podcast.

- Genghis knows that you know that he used the word "expatiation" (damn straight, bitches)...

The Metal Minute #6


Podcast #122: Written

Who says you can't have two high profile jobs and be successful? You? Ahh, shaddap!Who is your favorite songwriting duo?  Is it Lennon/McCartney, Perry/Tyler, Page/Plant?  Join Genghis & Ragman as they discuss some of the strongest songwriting teams in rock and metal history.   Are there any new duos that can compare to the legends? Tune in to find out.  Next, the boys cornered vocalist/guitarist Marc Colombo from Free Reign for a heart to heart as he discusses how he splits his time between being an offensive lineman for the Dallas Cowboys and being the front man for a heavy metal band.

DVD of the Show: In Flames - Used and Abused: In Live We Trust

Beer of the Show: Schmaltz - Coney Island Lager  Beer Rating: 3.5

2nd Beer of the Show: Cannery Blackberry Porter  Beer Rating: 3.5

Guest Sound Man:  "Ah-nuld"

Featured Tracks: The Haunted - Unseen; In Flames - Sleepless Train; Led Zeppelin - Since I‘ve Been Loving You; Iron Maiden - Killers; Bonfire - The Price of Loving You; Dream Theater - You Not Me; Vince Neil - Promise Me; Deep Purple - Perfect Strangers; Free Reign - Last Goodbye, One Step Away and In Your Head

Classic of the Show:  Zebra - Who’s Behind the Door

Genghis Pick of the Week:  Across the Sun - Descent and Discovery

Ragman Pick of the Week: Mr. Big - As Far As I Can See

- Ragman has some catchin' up to do...

Podcast #122: Written


The Metal Minute - Max Edition

Yup, I said I'd do it and I did; a super-sized edition of the Metal Minute to keep you sated until I pick it all up again next week.  Hope you dig some snarky metal news with a quick recap of some of the better (and not so good) albums so far for 2011 and what's ahead.

Well?!  Dig in!

- Genghis is going to bed...

The Metal Minute - Max Edition


Across The Sun - Before The Night Takes Us

Keep an eye on these boys, cuz they've got the talent to become a bad-ass metal band.I know that progressive metal has its cliches and that every new technique or nuance that manages its way into my favorite sub-genre of music eventually gets used ad nauseum, but it's not always bad. Seriously, it's not like I don't know that the whole odd time signature, switching between cookie monster on the verse and clean vocals on the chorus (or vice versa) thing is new. But new doesn't automatically equal good, which is why I have to give it all a real listen before I go givin' my stamp, right?

Across The Sea is, on its surface, another progressive metal band (in this case from Portland, Oregon - yeah, Portland) with the usual description; five guys each highly skillled with their respective instruments, having polished their sound over the last seven years of writing and touring.  The band was apparently refined enough to get signed with Metal Blade and garner the assistance of producer/engineer Daniel Castleman (As I Lay Dying), resulting in their first official studio release, Before The Night Takes Us.  And you know what?  They're really good.  The mix is good, with a nice layering of Scott Hafer's blistering guitar work over Shane Murray's spacious keys and Alan Ashcraft's rock-steady drums.  Brandon Davis' vocals are also quite good, with his melodeath growl a little stronger than his clean tone, but the man is even and strong, so no worries.

I'm not gonna say ATS is bringing anything groundbreaking to the table, but I must say they're a great example of the genre, and a really talented bunch of dudes that know how to throw down some heavy tunes and that scratches my progmetal itch, know what I mean?  And with a nice picking up of the torch as it were for In Flames' lost melodic death metal top-of-the-heapery, I salute these Oregonians.

Standout Tracks: Descent & Discovery (fantastic solo), Tipping the Scales (epic intro) & In The Face of Adversity

- Genghis is air growling some vocals over here...