CD of the Month
  • Mudvayne
    by Mudvayne
  • Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground New Edition
    Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground New Edition
    by Michael Moynihan, Didrik Soderlind
  • Retribution
    by Shadows Fall
  • Brutal Legend
    Brutal Legend
    Electronic Arts

We're on UStream, ya know

Aren't you glad this isn't in HD right about now?In case you weren't aware, Genghis & Ragman's UStream channel over on's site is where we sometimes stream the recording of our podcasts, usually anywhere from 8:00pm - 11:00pm (CST), Thursday nights (on the weeks we record).  I usually tweet such events, so be sure to check over yonder ocassionally.

We recently recorded a show on the topic of Revolver's Annual Golden God Awards, discussing the picks that Revolver made and who we would vote for if they asked us.  Hey, you think they might, next time?

- Genghis just tries to help...


Los Podcasticos

We're working on some cool new content, like the return of The Metal Minute, new shows with more diverse topics and guests, and a little tweaking to the format.

In fact, our next show, posting this weekend, will feature an interview with a fellow metalhead, Dee Simon, of the Sick And Wrong podcast.  I've been listening to his show for a while now, and he's definitely a fan of the metals.  I sat down to a little confab with Dee to discuss his former DJ spot on Rampage Radio and his penchant for tattoos, Motörhead, Yngwie, Testament, black metal and whatever else came to our fevered minds, so please check it out.

Keep the faith, and keep those HORNS UP!

- Genghis is definitely looking to get that iPad 2 (and the new Garage Band for the iPad!)...


Madlife - Angry Sonnets for the Soul

Imagine Linkin Park if they had actual talent and a respect for music like these guys.I have to say, I was a bit leary when I read the press release for new-comers Madlife, because any band compared to Linkin Park, is generally not going to sit well with yours truly.  Yes, there was a time that I dug LP, but that was a long, long time ago.  Madlife have just released their debut LP on Universal/Fontana, and their sound is a hybrid of that late 90's industrial buzz music, mixed with hard rock.  The band's sound is reminiscent of LP, but with more melody and a classic hard rock vibe.  The first single on the record is a track called Be Tomorrow, which has a really catchy chorus and a great melody.  The song is heavy and a little poppy, and will be destined for radio.  It kind of reminds me of the more modern sound of Motley Crue.  Vocalist Angry Phill sounds a little like Chester from LP, but with more balls.  The songs are catchy and have a pop sensibility to them, while remaining heavy.  There are elements of the industrial, with some sampling involved, but I think the hard rock vibe that they generate, will help them stand apart form other bands in the genre.  Not a bad CD which should get better with more spins.

Bottome Line: Industrial rock with a hard rock flavor.  Linkin Park with balls and much more melody.  It would be intersting to hear these guys if they were to drop the whole industrial buzz sound and go strictly hard rock.  Now that would be cool.

Standout Tracks: Be Tomorrow, Everyone, Feeling Alone and There I Stand

- Ragman is wondering why Phill is so angry...


Distorted Wonderland (self-titled)

A solid hard rock band with a bit of an identity crisis. Think Marylin Manson playing Mötley Crüe.Don't judge a book by it's cover, my mom always says.  Well that is exactly what I shouldn't have done, when I put in the new disc from Distorted Wonderland.  Not knowing what these guys were about, I was convinced by their press photo, that they were some sort of goth/industrial band.  I wasn't sure what to think, but thought I should give them a listen based on the killer artwork on their debut CD on Jamsync Music.  Well, what I got was nothing like I expected, because instead of hearing a band that sounded like Manson or Rob Zombie, I got a band that sounds like Mötley Crüe.  How cool is that?  This band mixes the best aspects of old school 80s style hard rock with the new modern sounds of today.  Don't get me wrong, they're nothing like Bullet for My Valentine, they're are a tried and true Glam hard rock band with some modern elements.

The CD starts with the lead single Raised on Rock N Roll, which is an up-tempo rocker with an infectious chorus that will get in your head and not let go.  Top notch hard rock!  The rest of the CD follows suit track after track giving you some of the best rock I've heard in a while.  If I were to compare these guys to a classic band, it would probably have to be Ratt.  These guys write their riffs in a similar way to the rodents, which parlays into the cool tracks Slave of My Desire and Guillotine Babies.  There is a nice mix on the CD and the majority of the tracks are strong.  There is a little hint of a goth vibe, but for the most part, this is just pure hard rock.  My only critique of this CD, has to be the production.  The sound is a little thin, but other than that, this one is a keeper.

Bottom LineSolid hard rock, with a slight modern edge.  Well written songs, with big hooks and killer riffs.  Too bad the production wasn't better.

Standout Tracks: Raised on Rock No Roll, Losing It, Slave of My Desire and Never Had Nothing and Behind the Scenes.

-Ragman has learned his lesson and will no longer judge, well at least for today....


John Norum - Play Yard Blues

He's best known as the axe wielding guitarist for Swedish hard rock band Europe, but for years he has also thrived as a solo artist.  Over the years guitarist John Norum has spread his wings and knocked out some pretty solid solo records.  Since the late 80's Norum has been issuing solo CD's, in fairly regular intervals.  John's solo work is a departure from the AOR hard rock sounds of Euope, being primarily heavily blues based.  Norum's solo work has a nice mix of hard rock and blues, leaning more on the blues and less on the melodic rock side.  Over the years Norum has collaborated with the likes of Glenn Hughes as well as other great vocalist, but for his latest effort he has taken the reigns and handled the majority of the vocal duties.  There are two vocals provided by a guy named Leif Sundin.  Sundin sings on Got My Eyes on You and Born Again.  Norum has just released his 7th solo CD titled Play Yard Blues.

As if, the title didn't give it away, you guessed it, this is a blues CD.  The CD offers a heavy does of blues with a little bit of hard rock to keep things interesting.  There are (3) covers on the record that are done very true to the original versions and they are Ditch Queen (Frank Marino - Mahogany Rush), It's Only Money (Thin Lizzy) and Travellin' in the Dark (Mountain).  The CD starts off strong with the track Let it Shine, which is a blues based rocker with a catchy hook and nice melody.  After that, the CD stumbles a bit, until the 4th track Got My Eyes on You, which is more in the hard rock vein.  Well written track containing a catchy chorus and some amazing wailing.   That track is followed up by the killer When Darkness Falls, which is another tune with more of a hard rock feel to it. 

Play Yard is a true blue, blues record, but with some hard rock influences mixed in.  The CD also contains elements of classic 70's style rock, which is due in part by some of the covers chosen for the record.  The strongest part of this CD is Norum's amazing playing.  You forget how good this guy is until you put on one of his solo records.  Make sure to check out the title track which is a kick ass instrumental.  All in all not a bad CD.  It was little too bluesy for me at times, but I did enjoy it as a whole.

Bottom LineJohn Norum exploring his blusier side.  A 10 track platter filled mainly of blues, with a little hard rock sprinkled in for good measure.  Guitarist geeks and blues aficionado's will rejoice, but Europe fans looking for AOR, may be disappointed.

Standout Tracks: Got My Eyes on You, When Darkness Falls, Play Yard Blues and Born Again.

-Ragman forgot how bad ass this guy is.