CD of the Month
  • Mudvayne
    by Mudvayne
  • Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground New Edition
    Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground New Edition
    by Michael Moynihan, Didrik Soderlind
  • Retribution
    by Shadows Fall
  • Brutal Legend
    Brutal Legend
    Electronic Arts

David Rock Feinstein - Bitten By the Beast

A cousin of The Great One ventures out on his own with some decent 80s metal. Being the cousin of the late, great Ronnie James Dio has to have some perks, wouldn't ya think?  Well it did for David "Rock" Feinstein, because not only did he once rock in a band (Elf) with The Great One, he also had him sing on his new CD entitled Bitten by the Beast.  Yeah, that's right, Dio sings on the track Metal Will Never Die, making it one of Ronnie's last recorded vocals.  And to top it off, David gathered his bandmates from The Rods to back him up on the track, a mid-tempo rocker that oozes 80's metal.  It's suitably heavy, driven by a cool riff which is followed up by a great, anthemic chorus.  This one will get in your head and not let go.

Feinstein is no stranger to the metal community, having fronted metal band The Rods for a good part of the 80s.  And with the resurgence of band's like Anvil, The Rods are looking to make a big splash in 2011.  Feinstein, as you might of guessed, is old school metal to the core, and his new album will not disappoint if that's what you're looking for.  Bitten by the Beast is an album chock full of 80s meat and potatoes metal (my new phrase of 2011, btw), best served piping hot in a cast iron skillet.  The songs on this CD are of the classic vibe with some hits and some misses.  The majority of the tunes sound like they could have been written back in the day and just unleashed in the new millennium.

Best thing about this CD: the songs with the big riffs, like Metal Will Never Die, and big choruses, like Break Down the Walls.  Feinstein is not reinventing the wheel here because these tunes sound like they were written about 30 years ago; some good, some just mediocre, meaning some will grab you, and others will just leave you with that "meh" feeling.  Not a bad CD, just not a great one either.

Bottom Line: Feinstein going solo, but sticking to his roots.  Good old-fashioned meat and potatoes metaltm with a little blues thrown in.  This is a fun record that will not break any new ground, but will still rock you.

Standout Tracks: Break Down the Walls, Metal Will Never Die, Kill the Demon and Give Me Mercy

- Ragman is thinking about eating some metal...


Vicious Rumors - Razorback Killers

Is there anything better than an old band making an awesome comeback record?

Razorback Killers is the best CD the band has done since the passing of vocalist Carl Albert back in 1995.  While the band has put out several CDs since his passing, they've been unable to recapture the fire they once had when Albert was fronting the band.  And while the band has had many incarnations over the years, I think they may have finally found the winning formula again.  This has got to be the strongest lineup VR has has since the 90s.  And it didn't hurt that founder/guitarist Geoff Thorpe brought in former guitarist Marc McGee for a couple of tasty guest solos - they were a force to be reckoned with in the early 90s.  And if that wasn't enough, there are cameos by guitarists Brad Gillis (Night Ranger) and Eric Peterson (Testament).

The CD starts off with the track Murderball, an uptempo rocker that sounds like it could have come off the self-titled record from '91.  It has that cool, Don't Wait for Me vibe, which totally set the tone for this new record; powerful and melodic all at the same time, pure VR at their best.  The CD has a nice variety of thrashers, slow heavy crushers and mid-tempo rockers.  They've really gone back to their roots on this one, which is evident on the track Let the Garden Burn which evokes the vibe of Lady Took a Chance (Digital Dictator). 

Vocalist Brian Allen, with his soaring vocals, has been able to take the band back to the glory days.  And while great production and solid songwriting have made this one a keeper, I can't go without mentioning the killer axework all over this CD which is just friggin' amazing.  My only critique is that there is a small lull with tracks 3 and 4, but after that this CD doesn't let up until the end.  All in all, a really solid CD and the best thing the band has done in years.

Bottom Line:  Vicious Rumors are back and better than ever.  After a few hiccups over the last few years, the band seems to be back on track sounding the way they should.  Allen, the best vocalist the band has had since the passing of Albert, along with some strong songwriting has been able to get this band on track, making them a viable metal force once again.

Standout Tracks: Murderball, Black, Pearl of Wisdom and Let the Garden Burn

- Ragman is geeking over these solos...


Podcast #115: Expectations

We talk to Mr. Superfantastic himself, Eric Martin. Such a cute kid.Happy New Year!  We're only 6 weeks late, but would you expect anything else?  Join Genghis and Ragman as they bring in the new year Right To Rock style, by discussing what they're looking forward to in 2011.  There're a lot, so get your crayons and construction paper ready.  Next, the boys get a call from Mr. Big vocalist Eric Martin for a heart to heart.  Eric discusses Mr. Big's upcoming new CD What If, including what it was like recording with Kevin Shirley.

Featured DVD of the ShowMr. Big - Back to Budokan

Beer of the ShowRed Hook - Eisbock  Beer Rating: 4

Featured Tracks:  Distorted Wonderland - Never Had Nothing; Mr. Big - Take Cover; Van Halen - Dirty Movies; Dio - Straight Through the Heart; Anthrax - Armed and Dangerous; Ozzy - Killer of Giants and Let it Die; Mr. Big - Blame it on My Youth, Undertow and Next Time Around

- Ragman's fingers are starting to cramp up, so enjoy!

Podcast #115: Expectations


The Poodles - In The Flesh

Fans of Talisman and Swedish Glam/Hard Rock should definitely check this out.If you're not familiar with The Poodles, you should be.  They are a Swedish Glam/Hard rock band that pack some punch.  The band was originally formed by some ex-Talisman guys (Guitarist Pontus Norgren and Drummer turned Vocalist Jakob Samuel).  The amazing Norgren left and is currently a member of Hammerfall.  The Poodles formed in 2006 and made an instant impact overseas.  They have 3 studio albums and are about to release their fourth.  A great way to get introduced to the band is their recent DVD release, via Frontiers Records, titled In the Flesh.  The DVD was filmed during the band's 2009 tour for Clash of Elements.

In the Flesh is a concert film/documentary that gives you a taste of what the band is like live as well as some behind the scenes stuff.  Some of the more compelling footage included in the video is the one on one interviews with the band members.  You really get a sense of what these guys are about.  This DVD is shot very well and the concert footage is amazing - and the band does sound great live.  They don't blow you away with their performance, but they do sound like they do in the studio.  All in all a very enjoyable watch.

Bottom Line: A great way to get introduced to The Poodles.  You get a taste live as well as some behind the scenes.  If you want to get to know the next big thing in Glam/Hard rock, then check this one out.

- Ragman is still baffled as to why they call themselves The Poodles...


The Defaced - Anomaly

What a treat to get another album from these crazy death metal-ing Swedes - and it does not disappoint!It has been about 8 years since The Defaced released their phenomenal album Karma in Black.  I have often wondered what happed to these guys and if they would release another new record.  The band is a supergroup of sorts, being made up of several heavy hitters from the Swedish death metal scene, but the driving force of the band comes from the brains behind Darkane (Vocalist Jens Broman and Guitarist Klas Ideberg).  These guys have been busy with their day jobs, so it makes sense that it took so long to get a new release.

The Defaced is a departure from the brutal sound of Darkane, because there is more melody involved.  The songs are still brutal and heavy like the 'Kane, but just more melodic.  To say I'm geeked to hear they have a new record would be an understatement, because I am totally psyched.  The band have just released their 3rd full length CD Anomaly. Let's see if they've still got it...

Anomaly starts pummeling the senses from the lead track Remaining Eternal and doesn't let up until the last note of The Test.  This is an incredible record and a great return after such a long hiatus.  The songs on this record range from thrashy to just mid temp crushers.  There is one ballad of sorts on the CD titled Renewal Defined; it's a slow rocker that starts off somewhat slow and mellow, but then gets heavy for the chorus.  The great thing about this band is that they can slow things down while staying heavy. This song kind of reminds me of something Opeth might do.

Vocalist Jens Broman has a great clean vocal style as well.  He can bring it heavy and guttural, but then change on a dime and throw in the clean vocals like its childsplay.  I can't say enough about this record because it is such a nice blend of heavy and melody.  All the songs on the CD contain great riffs and catchy melodies.  The Defaced sound like a more tamed Soilwork.  Don't get me wrong, they bring it heavy, but there are more grooves and melodic stuff going on than with the 'Work.  All in all a great CD.  This my co-MVP CD of the month.

Bottom Line:  The best CD I have heard in some time.  Every track rocks. The best aspect of all Swedish melodic death metal wrapped up on one disk.  Great heavy tunes with great melody and monster riffs.

Standout Tracks: Can't pick one - they all rock!

- Ragman gives this one a big HORNS UP!