CD of the Month
  • Mudvayne
    by Mudvayne
  • Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground New Edition
    Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground New Edition
    by Michael Moynihan, Didrik Soderlind
  • Retribution
    by Shadows Fall
  • Brutal Legend
    Brutal Legend
    Electronic Arts

Marco Mendoza - Casa Mendoza

Marco Mendoza, is a journeyman bassist that has played with some of the biggest names in the hard rock/heavy metal arena.  Mendoza has been a member of the Ted Nugent (Group), Blue Murder, Thin Lizzy, Lynch Mob and Whitesnake.  Marco has recently release his second solo CD entitled Casa Mendoza.  On the surface, you would think that this would be a straight up rock release, especially considering that bands that Marco has played in over the years, but to the contrary this CD much, much more.  Casa Mendoza showcases Mendoza and his band exploring several different genres of music, like jazz/fusion, funk, Latin, world and rock.  This CD gives you a tastes of several styles of music, while still rocking you.

Casa Mendoza is a mix of original music and covers.  The first track on the CD is a cover of the Stevie Wonder track Living for the City.  This track is funky, as you would expect, and rocks.  The highlight on this track as well as with most of the CD is guitarist Rafael Moreira.  Moreira has a great tone and his style is flashy which adds to all of the tracks on this CD.  The musicianship on this CD is top notch.  the only downfall would be the vocals of Medoza.  He's okay as a vocalist, but a much better bassist.  Many of the vocals are styled like James Brown.  His best vocal is probably on the track Kingdom of Paradise, to where he emulates Glen Hughes.  Other than that the vocals are just average. 

Out of all of the covers, my favorite is Suzie Q.  The band has totally rearranged the tune and made it their own.  It is unrecognizable until the chorus, and that is not a bad thing.  They have slowed it down and given it a Latin type vibe.  All in all not a bad CD, but not a great one either.  This one might get better with more spins, due to all of the variety.  Who knows?


Bottom Line: Mendoza showing that he is more than a one trick pony.  A CD full of variety, played to perfection.  Had they brought in some guest vocalist, this one might have been more solid.

Standout Tracks: Suzie Q, Kingdom of Paradise, Betty Joe and Get Ready.

-Ragman is bringing out the funk.


Bison BC - Dark Ages

Doom/Thrash/Stoner metal that just goes on and on and on...I can't say I knew too much about Bison BC before I put in their new CD Dark Ages -but there was probably a reason.  To be fair, I have read some positive things about the band, hence checking out this CD, but after a few listens, I'm not quite sure what all the hype was about.  Bison BC is a concoction of Doom, Stoner and Thrash all mixed into one.  Confusing, I know.  I think if the band were to focus on one sound, then this might of worked a little better.  The songs are long and really didn't take me anywhere - except the to the FF button.  There were only 2 tracks that kind of grabbed me:  Stressed Elephant and Two-Day Booze.  This first track is heavy and incorporates some melody, unlike many tracks on this disk, while Two Day incorporates a cool riff at the beginning, but then doesn't go much further from there.   Most tunes are slow and droning, and do not contain much substance.  Not impressed with this one.

Bottom Line: Music that doesn't take the listener anywhere.  The songs on this CD drone on and leave the me bored.

Standout TracksStressed Elephant and Two-Day Booze

- Ragman is thinking this Bison should be grilled...


Dio - The Legend Live

This is classic old Dio with Vivian Campbell in his prime - back when he played like a motherfucker.If you're like me, you're going to try to get you hands on any vintage Ronnie James Dio footage you can.  The latest thing to grace my DVD player is Dio - The Legend Live.  (*Note: Don't be deceived by the photos on this DVD case.  This is a classic show, not a recent show) This DVD is comprised of some live footage of the original Dio band, on the Sacred Heart tour.  Unlike the Sacred Heart - The Video DVD, which featured Craig Goldy on guitars, this DVD features Vivian Campbell in his prime.  This DVD was a real treat.  The footage comes from a Japanese broadcast from 1985 before Campbell exited the band.  The track listing is rather short, only clocking in at 7 tunes, but the footage makes up for it.

As with most TV broadcasts, the footage is shot well and looks professional.  The only knock on this DVD, other than the lack of tracks, is that the editing is not too good.  Apparently, this was a live show that the broadcaster would break for commercials (really?) or something, and then go back to the show.  The songs on the DVD don't flow because there are minor interruptions in the footage.  That being said, it didn't matter because the footage on this DVD is amazing.  the band sounds great and plays very well.  If you're a Dio fan, you must own this DVD.

Bottom Line: Vintage Dio with the classic line-up.  Need I say more?

- Ragman is reminded of how bad-assed Vivian was and wishes that he still played that way...


Triggersoul - Restoration

A strong debut CD from a band with big hooks and catchy choruses.Three years is a long time to wait to have your debut CD released, but if you lose one of your bandmates in the process, then it makes a lot of sense.  Triggersoul went through this unfortunate set of circumstances right around the time that their debut CD was about to be released.  The band was coming off of a major high by signing their first deal - as well as having their CD mixed by legendary producer Michael Wagner.  It seemed like there was nothing stopping this band, until the tragic loss of guitarist Aaron Roe, after which the band disbanded until just recently.  In 2010, the band regrouped and released their debut CD Restoration on Jamsync Music.  Not sure what the fate of the band is today, but now we'll be able to hear what they were all about.

Triggersoul has a heavy modern rock sound like Godsmack or Mudvayne mixed with the heavier sounds of Pantera and BLS.  They really remind me of a lesser known band called Doubledrive, but I digress.  The songs on Restoration are well-written and delivered with lots of attitude.  I'm not sure if these guys are a Christian hard rock band, but they do have some lyrics that would lead the listener to think that might be the case.  The CD is full of rockers and ballads, but I think I leaned toward some of the ballads on this CD because they're so strong.  Two of the strongest ballads on the CD are Forgotten and Affliction.  Both tracks are modern rock ballads that could be heard on any buzz station with the right push.  All in all a solid release.  Looking for some modern rock with an edge?  Then check these guys out.

Bottom Line: Guitar-driven rock with catchy chrouses and big hooks.

Standout Tracks: Forgotten, Affliction, Enemy Lines and Wasted Years

- Ragman likes him some radio rock every once in a while...


Absence - Enemy Unbound

Melodic death metal of the highest order: big riffs and insane axework!It seems like the Swedish Death Metal scene has started to die down over the last couple of years.  It has morphed into more of a melodic mix of death and clean vocals in the style of bands like Bullet for My Valentine.  There are a few bands out there that are still flying the flag, and they aren't all from Sweden, believe it or not.  Tampa Bay, Florida bashers The Absence are back and have just released their 3rd CD entitled Enemy Unbound.

Enemy Unbound picks up with the last 2 records have left off, keeping the same formula that has made them what they are today.  This is Swedish death metal at its best.  The band have a brutal, The Haunted vibe mixed with a classic, melodic, In Flames sound.  Sounds cool, doesn't it?  Check out the first real track on the CD Erased and you'll hear what I mean: this CD is packed full of great tracks with big riffs, and catchy melodies.  I really dig the title track which exemplifies my point - and it will rock your balls. 

One of the strongest things about this band/CD are the great harmonies and hooks that guitarists Peter Joseph and Patrick Pintavalle whip out.  These guys work well together and they can rip.  All in all, a very strong release.  If I were to criticize anything it would be that the instrumentals could have been better; they kind of drone on without really going anywhere.  The band doesn't necessarily break any new ground, but they do deliver some killer metal.

Bottom Line: Great melodic death metal. Cool songs with big riffs.  Nice melody and extraordinary axemanship. 

Standout Tracks: Erased, Enemy Unbound, Deepest Wound and The Bridge

- Ragman has been looking for a CD like this to get him thrashing again...