CD of the Month
  • Mudvayne
    by Mudvayne
  • Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground New Edition
    Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground New Edition
    by Michael Moynihan, Didrik Soderlind
  • Retribution
    by Shadows Fall
  • Brutal Legend
    Brutal Legend
    Electronic Arts

Dio - At Donnington UK: Live 1983 & 1987

Classic, rare, live recordings from The Man remind us how rich his legacy truly isIt seems like there has been about a release a month, for the past 3 months from either Dio or Heaven and Hell.  We truly miss Ronnie James Dio and the musical genius he was, but at least there is plenty of material in the archives to keep his spirit alive.  The latest gem, are some rare (BBC) recordings of the Dio band, from the Castle Donington festival (Monsters of Rock) from 1983 and 1987.   This new release, Dio - At Donington UK, is a two disc live set from each respective year.  These tapes came for the Dio archives and was one of the last things Ronnie worked on.  The release comes out on Dio and wife Wendy's label Niji Entertainment.  From what I've read, this is just one, of several releases of archived material to be coming our way from the great one.

The first disc shows, a young Dio band trying to get their sea legs in a midst of other metal giants.  Dio just coming off the bad split from Sabbath had something to prove and did with the release of Holy Diver.  The set list on the disc is interesting, because it is comprised heavily on Rainbow tunes.  Of course, at the time Dio only had one solo record under his belt, but I was surprised there was not more Sabbath tunes included.  The band sounds great and it is interesting to hear their interpretations of tunes from Dio's former bands.  The band sounds hungry and delivers a commanding performance.  If I had one critique on this disc it would be that the vocals are sometimes drowned out, making it hard to hear Ronnie. Another bonus is that you get to hear Vivian Campbell actually play guitar.  It has been awhile.

The second disc, and the one I was anticipating a bit less, is from the band's performance in 1987.  the band was out supporting the Dream Evil record, which I felt was not one of the bands best records, but have since found a new respect for the CD.  The band as a whole sounds like they are in more of a comfort zone with this performance.  The band has shown what 4 years can do to mature a band.  The band sounds amazing on this recording, and I have to say I was blown away by Craig Goldy's performance.  Goldy was on fire that day, and you can hear it.  This show has a better mix and sounds better that the previous disc.  Solid set list.   All in all a nice package with some replica backstage laminates from each show.  Very cool memorabilia.

Bottom Line: What can I say? Dio delivers once again.  A solid two disc set that shows how much a band can come together in 4 years.  The only thing missing from the recording is the video.  I want this on DVD.

Standout Tracks: Disc 1 - Straight Through the Heart, Heaven and Hell; Disc 2 - Neon Knights and The Last in Line

- Ragman can't wait for the next release - hopefully, some archived video footage!


AAAH! Zombies!!

Another horror comedy with zombies? Count me in!Nothing like a good zombie movie, especially if there is a little comedy mixed in.  I was never a huge fan of horror/comedy genre until Shaun of the Dead, but since then I've been more open to the concept.  Well, to be fair, Return of the Living Dead () did get me believing that the two genres could mix; believe me I'm kind of a purist when it comes to horror movies, but if I know that there is going to be a comedic angle involved, then I can accept it for what it is.  It's when they don't tell you this that pisses me off - but I digress.  The latest movie to be spot on for mixing the two genres is the spectacular AAAH! Zombies!!

AAAH! Zombies!! is a tale of 2 couples that drink some government special sauce toxic goo that transforms them into zombies.  The great thing about this film is that the couples don't realize that they are the undead; there are hints that something is afoul, but the gang just can't figure out what's going on.  They're convinced by a fellow zombie that they are superhuman soldiers, but as body parts and other things start to fall off of them, they start to get suspicious.  This is a well done film, and the use of black & white and color is pretty clever.  When the couple are in black & white they're viewed as zombies, but when in color, they appear normal - with the exception of a few flesh wounds.  A solid flick all around, this is a movie that could be enjoyed year round for the comedic angle.

Bottom Line: A humorous film about zombies that don't realize they're zombies.  How funny is that?  Add comedy and gore, what else is there to need?

- Ragman will have this one in the rotation for a while...


Return to Earth - Automata

A metal-edged trio that spans a few different genres.Three piece bands always amaze me on how full they can sound.  If you think about it, it isn't much different than a 4 piece, in which the singer doesn't play an instrument, but for some reason it still boggles the mind a little.  That being said, I still think it is cool when a 3 piece can pull it together and put out a massive sound; now to me that's sayin something.  The latest 3 piece that I've discovered that sounds bigger than they are, is newcomers Return to Earth.  RTE is a new band, but there is one veteran in the band.  Drummer Chris Pennie has been pounding the skins for the likes of Dillinger Escape Plan and most recently Coheed and Cambria, so he is no stranger to the scene.

RTE is a mixed bag, because they have various styles inner twined within their unique sound.  You will hear elements of industrial, EMO, Hard Rock and death metal all in one.  If I had to loosely compare them to a band, I would say they sounded like Strapping Young Lad, but not as pissed off.  Vocalist Ron Scalzo sounds a bit like Devin Townsend, especially on the track Exit Wound.  The songs are well written and will keep you on the edge of your seat, from track to track.  The band had incorporated some cool synthy type instrumentals, between tracks to create a nice ambience.  I really dug this CD and was surprised by what these guys had to offer.

Bottom Line: A mixed bag of tunes, that will appeal to many genres of metal.  The songs for the most part, are melodic, but do have a nice heavy edge to them.  If you're looking for some variety in your metal, then you got it with these guys.

Standout Tracks: Exit Wounds, You Will be Replaced, Back of My Hand and Snakeface.

-Ragman is feeling festive.


Twisted Sister - Live at Wacken (The Reunion)

A classic metal band from a classic metal venue. If you can't dig Twisted Sister, you're just not tryin'!It is no secret that Twisted Sister is one of the best live bands out there today.  Even though these guys are well into their 50's, they don't seem to have skipped a beat.  After re-uniting in 2001, the band has been playing around the globe with the same energy that made them a household name in the 80's.  Sad thing is, the band is best known from the Mtv years, but true fans know that they are much, much more.  Even though Twisted got tagged with the cartoon image of the 80's, this band still brought it live with a no holds barred type attitude.  And that is what this band is all about, attitude.

Eagle Rock Entertainment has just re-released the band's 2005 concert/reunion DVD Live From Wacken (The Reunion).  Filmed at the prestigious Wacken Open Air Festival in Germany back in 2003, this DVD shows the band in top form.  Not only is this a concert film, but it also serves as a documentary, chronicling the reunion.  The concert portion of the DVD is strong and well shot.  The audio and video are spot on.  The set list is stellar, covering primarily tunes from Under the Blade to Stay Hungry, with one from Come Out and Play.  The interview portion of the DVD is very insightful and gives you a real perspective of where the guys heads were before, during and after the reunion took place.  There is also some cool bonus features like the insight behind the re-recording of Stay Hungry.

This package also comes with an audio CD.  How cool is that?  It is not a duplicate of the live show, but a compilation of classic live material.  It includes a show from 1980, 1982 as well as 6 tracks from the Wacken show.  A very nice package.  Check this one out.

Bottom Line: Twisted tearing up Wacken.  A nice mix of concert and interview footage.

- Ragman is jonesing for some new TS.


Methods of Mayhem - Public Disservice Announcement

After enough records, it looks like Tommy Lee might really have some talent with his Crüe.I have to say, I was not a fan of Tommy Lee's first solo experiment Methods of Mayhem, but subsequent releases have shown how talented the guy is, and that he can stand alone as a solo artist.  Since Tommy rejoined Motely Crue back in 2004, he has put his solo career on the backburner, and made The Crue top priority.  Yeah, he had a stint with the regrettable Rockstar Supernova, but for the most part musically, the guy has been focussed on Motley.  Since the re-union, Motely has taken some hiatuses, allowing the guys some time to spread their creative wings musically, via solo projects.  Nikki has SixxAM, Vince has his solo band, and now Tommy has ressurected his rap metal project MOM.  The result is the band's latest release Public Disservice Announcement, which is their first release in ten years.

PDA is a bit of a departure from the first MOM CD, because rather than focusing purely on rap metal/nu-metal, the new CD has more of a modern hard rock vibe.  For this new CD, Tommy had fans submit samples that were incorporated into some of the tunes.  Pretty cool idea.  The CD started off fairly weak for me with the opening track Poor Uncle Pete.  It is a power pop tune in the vein of Weezer's Beverly Hills.   After the first track though, the CD takes off with the next two tracks Time Bomb and Louder.  These two tunes are hard rock gems.  Tommy really asserts himself vocally and sounds great.  The next track Fight Song is probably the heaviest thing Tommy has done outside The Crue.  It is fueled by a crunchy riff reminiscent of Sevendust

PDA is a fairly complete hard rock record containing a few twists.  I would say that the first 3/4's of the CD is solid, with the latter 1/4 (Last 3 songs) being throw aways.  The last 3 tunes on the record don't fit and take the CD, into a totally different direction.  The latter part of the CD is more experimental, and brings out Tommy's love for all types of music.  Believe it or not, the last three tracks mix in influences of  Prince, Coldplay and Trance music.  Pretty odd.  I know he digs this stuff, but with the strength of the rest of the CD, it is questionable why these were included.  All in all a solid release.

Bottom Line: MOM going from a rap/nu-metal vibe, to more of a solid modern hard rock sound.  The songs are well written and are fresh with all of the different sounds mixed in.  The CD falls short, when the experimentation goes a little too far.

Standout Tracks: Louder, Time Bomb, Fight Song and Only One

- Ragman wonders if "The Dirt" will ever become a movie...