CD of the Month
  • Mudvayne
    by Mudvayne
  • Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground New Edition
    Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground New Edition
    by Michael Moynihan, Didrik Soderlind
  • Retribution
    by Shadows Fall
  • Brutal Legend
    Brutal Legend
    Electronic Arts

Zombie Christ

If you don't get it, you're gonna be pissed...Try to think of the most offensive thing you can, and then pop Zombie Christ into the DVD player, and see if that still tops your list.  Zombie Christ is bound to offend many, but sure to give others a real chuckle.  This is a B-rated flick, as you might of guessed, that was written, directed and produced by the notorious Bill Zebub.  Zebub definitely pushes the envelope with this film by tackling such topics as Christianity, blastphemy and mythology.  The story lies around the resurrection of Jesus, as a skeletal zombie, and his quest to immortalize his true love Mary Magdalene.  The story in theory is interesting, but it is the humor mixed with totally off the wall shit that makes this film fall into the cult classic file.  There are things that you thought you never would see captured on film here, like a nun being molested by a chicken leg and a skeleton walking on water.  You have to take this film for what it is, pure B-movie cult classic.  The acting is subpar, as per most Zebub pictures, but this one is able to keep your attention, due to all of the weird things going on.  If you're not laughing at the pathetic, prop skeloton (main character), then you've either turned this thing off or you don't get it.

Bottom Line A horror/comedy soon to be cult classic.  I dug that the film had this early 70's sense about it.  The plot is just strong enough to keep your interest, and there is enough wierd shit going on to keep you glued to the screen.  You have to go into this film, knowing it is a goof, or you will be highly offended.

- Ragman is still perplexed after watching this one


Podcast #108: Accept

"...and I'm hungry like the wolllllllf!"What do you do if you're an iconic metal band, and you want to re-unite, but your lead singer ain't down?  Well, if the drive is strong enough and you're convinced you can move on without him, then you find a new guy that can hold his own and get out there and rock.  Which is exactly what German metal icons Accept recently did for their comeback record Blood of Nations (Current CD of the Month).  It isn't easy coming back to the scene after an extended layoff, much less with out your original lead vocalist, but Accept has done it, and they're persevering.  Join us in our latest An Evening With... series as we bring legendary guitarist Wolf Hoffmann in to give us the skinny on the new record, current tour plans, and how they found new vocalist Mark Tornillo as well as their current relationship with former vocalist Udo Dirkschneider.

Beer of the Show: Alhambra Negra - Beer Rating: 3

DVD of the Show: Accept - Metal Blast From the Past

Featured Tracks: I Don't Want to be Like You, Teutonic Terror, Fast as a Shark, Losers and Winners, Midnight Mover, Time Machine, Princess of the Dawn, New World Comin', Bucket Full of Hate and Restless and Wild

- Ragman is still pissed he missed the show

Podcast #108: Accept


Lillian Axe - Deep Red Shadows

Lillian exploring their dark side.Over the past couple of years Lillian Axe has been putting out records that are darker and less melodic than the music that they created back in the day.  I have to say I miss the glory days, but the darker material ain't half bad either.  The band has just released their 8th studio album Deep Red Shadows, which is the last to feature vocalist Derreck Le Fevre.  Le Fevre left the band shortly after the recording of the CD.  Ex-Metal Church vocalist Ronny Munroe took the helm temporarily, before recently departing as well, leaving the band without a vocalist.   Not sure what the fate of the band will be, but at least we have a new release to talk about.

Deep Red Shadows continues the darker direction that the band had adopted back in 2007 for Water's Rising (Which I thought was a killer CD).  This new record is a little different though, because about half of the CD is acoustic based while the other half is electric.  The electric songs which dominate the beginning of the CD are dark and have a modern flair about them.  The Acoustic tracks are more melodic and a little more enjoyable.  Dont' get me wrong the opening track Under the Same Moon is a solid track, but I think the acoustic tracks are just a little stronger.  Not a bad CD, but not a great one either.  It feels like the CD was rushed, possibly by the impending departure of Le Fevre, and lacks the cohesiveness of previous releases.

Bottom Line: A darker more grungier Lillian, but with some bright spots of melody mixed in.  The songs are good but not as catchy as with previous releases.

Standout Tracks: A Minute of Years, Nobody Knows, Under the Same Moon and Noctrunal Symphony.

Ragman has seen darker days.



Heaven Below - EP

I love it when I find a new group, that embraces the heart and soul of 80's hard rock, and makes it sound fresh.  My latest find, is a band called Heaven Below, and they have a new EP that kicks ass.  HB has an 80's hard rock sound mixed with a cool heavy modern edge to it.  The EP kicks off with the track Dying Vicariously which is a mid tempo rocker that has more of a modern vibe to it.  This is a cool track but it wasn't until the 2nd track When Daylight Dies, that I started to get hooked.   The track starts off slow but then picks up after the chorus.  The song is fueled by a cool riff and a stand up and shout type chorus. 

I dig this band because they mix it up abit.  The EP gives you a true taste of what these guys can do.  A nice mixture of rockers and ballads.  The EP contains a couple of cool covers as well: Heartbreaker (Pat Benatar) and Twilight Zone (Golden Earing).

The format of this release is interesting because it contains 6 tracks that are listed, plus 4 bonus (MP3) tracks.  Interesting that they chose this format, because had they included all of the tracks as standard audio, then they would have had a full CD.  The CD also includes 4 videos as well.  A solid EP that will get you craving a full release. 

Bottom Line: New Schoolers kicking it old school.  Good solid hard rock that hearkens back to the day, without sounding dated.

Standout Tracks: When Daylight Dies, King of Nothing, Twilight Zone and Above the Satellites

Ragman is rocking it new school.


Unruly Child - Worlds Collide

Back from the 90s, it's good to hear Marcie (Mark) Free again.It was anyone's guess if Marcie (Mark) Free would ever return to music, after she left the bizz back in 1995 to deal with some personal issues.  After some coaxing by former Unruly Child band mates Bruce Gowdy and Guy Allison, Marcie came back to the scene sounding better than ever.  Marcie is by far, one of the most soild melodic rock vocalists of our time.  Whether it be her time in King Kobra, Signal or Unruly Child, she always delivers vocally. 

Worlds Collide is the first CD by the original band in 18 years, and it is sure to offer up some melodic rock ecstasy.  Unruly Child have picked up, right where they left off with their self titled debut debut by producing some of the finest hard rock out there.  The CD starts a little slow, with the opening two tracks Show Me the Money and Insane, but then takes off from there.   The first two tracks are okay, but they lack the fire that the rest of the CD contains.  These songs seemed a little forced and just do it for me.  The first track to hook me, is the track When We Were Young, because it brings back the big chorus' and top notch melodies that the band is known for.  It has a dark vibe to it before kicking into an ultra melodic chorus.

It is good to have Unruly Child back, and this is a solid re-union record, but I wish the production had been a little heavier.  The first CD had a heavier vibe than the new CD.  Worlds Collide, at times, comes off a little too polished.  I think if the CD would have had a heavier edge, then the already great songs on this record, would have even sounded better.  Don't get me wrong, this is a solid CD and is worthy of picking up, I just wish it would have been heavier, but don't I always?

Bottom Line: Solid melodic rock by one of the greats.  A welcomed return by an overlooked band in the 90s.  Free still sounds amazing and hopefully this won't be the last we hear from her.

Standout Tracks: When Worlds Collide, When We Were Young, Very First Time and Tell Another Lie

- Ragman's worlds are colliding