CD of the Month
  • Mudvayne
    by Mudvayne
  • Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground New Edition
    Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground New Edition
    by Michael Moynihan, Didrik Soderlind
  • Retribution
    by Shadows Fall
  • Brutal Legend
    Brutal Legend
    Electronic Arts

Filter - The Trouble With Angels

Looks like the ol' boys still got it!I have to say, I haven't really followed Filter too closely over the years; aside from the track Hey Man, Nice Shot, I really couldn't tell you any song titles from their catalog.  It's not that they don't rock, because they do, but I think I always just viewed them as a NIN knock off.  Once NIN broke big, there were alot of copy cat bands that came out, and so the market just got too saturated for me. 

Well Richard Patrick and Co. have just released their 5th studio record called The Trouble With Angels.  I have to say that I was impressed after putting this CD, because it turned out being quite a bit more solid than I had originally thought.  This band is more than a NIN clone, by offering a nice mix of hard modern rock and industria.  I actually found some cool grooves on the CD like on the track No Love.  There is this cool heavy groove groove that gets the foot tapping and the head nodding.  Another track that I found interesting, is No Re-Entry where Patrick sings with so much conviction, that he comes off sounding like Jaz Coleman (Killing Joke).

I would say the first half of the record is okay, but with a few standouts.  It is the latter part of the record that I think some of the stronger tracks lie.  Tracks like the killer Catching A Falling Knife will keep you hitting the back button on your CD player repeatedly.  It has the vibe of Hey Man, but takes it to a new level.  This track make the whole CD worth the price of admission.  It rocks.  All in all a solid CD.

Bottom Line: Filter proves that they're still a viable force in the modern rock arena with solid songs and catchy melodies.  After a slow start this CD takes off and doesn't let up until it's over.

Standout Tracks: Catching a Falling Knife, No Entry, Drug Boy and Clouds

- Ragman realized this pony has more than one trick


Terra Nova - Come Alive

Dutch melodic rockers make a come [alive] back CD that ain't half badI admit that I know absolutely nothing about these Dutch melodic rockers.  And I don't think it really makes a difference either way, but you know, full disclosure and all.  Thing is, while the band originally made it big in the 90s, they ended up disbanding around the turn of the century only to be coaxed back into the studio in 2005 with a successful come back album of sorts. Fueled by their favorable reception after the band's hiatus, the Hendrix brothers have recorded an all new album aptly titled Come Alive.

It would seem that the band has lost none of its talent.  Again, I can't say I ever heard any of their stuff the first time around, but if you dig the sound of bands like Nation or Europe, you'll definitely love this album.  Brothers Ron and Fred Hendrix form the nucleus of the band, and their synchronicity no doubt plays a part in how tight and fluid is the overall sound on this disc.  I can't claim I'll be giving it multiple listens since the sound is so distinctly of another era, but there's no questioning their focus or talent.

The Bottom Line: With a solid sound of melodic rock bands of yore (circa early 90s), Terra Nova is a bit of an anachronism in today's soundscape. But there's no denying their passion and talent for crafting tightly focused, catchy riffs reminiscent of bands like Europe in their heyday.

- Genghis is looking for that old Nation CD


Halford - Live in Anaheim

A must for Halford fans, with the Metal God in his elementBefore re-joining Judas Priest in July of 2003, Metal God Rob Halford was on tour supporting his newest release, Crucible.  Little did we know at the time that The Metal God would be returning to his throne with Priest.  Live in Anaheim is a live recording of a show that the band did in Anaheim a month before he re-joined the lads.  This double CD package, also includes some live tracks from a show that the band did in Tokyo earlier that year. 

LIA is a nice collection of classic Priest, Fight and Halford tunes.  I was really impressed with the set, as Rob dug out some classic Priest to play on this tour.  Songs like Rapid Fire and Never Satisfied were a real treat to hear performed live.  I was also excited to see that the rare track Light Comes out of Black was included.  As far as the sound goes, the CD was mixed well and gives you a sense of being at the show.  My only critique, is that it sound is a little trebly at times.  The great thing is to hear how the band had grown together since the last live release.  I like the set list, but I would have liked to have heard a little more Fight included.  A nice disk to get us ready for the new CD as well as the live dates, coming this fall.

Bottom Line: The Metal God doing what he does best, performing live.  A 23 song platter of come and get you some.  Rob sounds great and re-assures you why he is still the Metal God.  The set list differs enough from the Live Insurrection disc to make this a must for Halford fans.

Standout Tracks: Light Comes Out of Black, Golgotha, Rapid Fire and Resurrection

- Ragman is ready for the new Halford


Mekong Delta - Wanderer on the Edge of Time

Technical prog metal with melody? Mekong Delta pulls it off...You either get Mekong Delta or you don't.  There is no in between.  They are one of the more technical prog bands out there today.  The music is complex which can lose the listener at times, but if get it, then you will be in metal heaven.  MK have just released their 9th album Wanderer on the Edge of Time, which is a fifteen song concept record that takes the listener on a musical journey.  I would say about half the CD contains vocals, while the other is instrumental. 

New vocalist Martin LeMar delivers a commanding performance on each song that includes vocals; especially on the track Affection.  The vocal tracks are definitely the strongest tracks on the CD.  Don't get me wrong, the instrumentals rock, but this band is so sick, that you get a full dose of guitar gymnastics within every track, that they aren't really needed.  Mekong Delta have been victims of their own talent, because at times their music steers too far off the beaten path, which ends up loosing the listener.  I found this to be true on their last CD Lurking Fear, to an extent, but that is what you get with Mekong Delta.   I think the band was more focussed on Wanderer and has made this a more accessible CD, than their last effort.  All in all a solid CD.

Bottom Line Technical metal that contains melody, and is accessible and enjoyable.  Music that gives your senses a work out.  MK have molded the best of both worlds, by bringing in more melody, and creating memorable songs that will stick with you, rather than confuse you.  This would be a killer CD to circuit train to - talk about a workout.

Standout Tracks: The 5th Element, A Certain Fool, Affection and Mistaken Truth

- Ragman is now ready for the gym (not really)


Accept - Blood of the Nations

Their best album in 25 years - and no Udo? Whaaaaa?!I have to admit, when I first heard that Accept had replaced UDO, and they were going to put out new record, I was prepared to hate it.  After speaking to UDO, and hearing the early samples that the band had posted on their website, with new vocalist Mark Tornillo (ex- TT Quick),  it was obvious this was going to end poorly for the metal pioneers from Germany.  Being a fan of the band for so many years, I felt obligated to give their new CD The Blood of Nations a fair shake, and thank goodness I did.  This CD, is pure and simply, amazing.  This could be the best CD the band has put out since Metal Heart (1985).  Not to take away from the records the band did with UDO in the 90's, because there was some solid material on those CD's, but with Blood of the Nations, the band has taken it up a notch, and delivered a classic Accept record.

This CD is a throwback to the classic Accept sound, but with a more up to date production.  Thanks to veteran producer Andy Sneap.  Songs like the first single Teutonic Terror and the title track, will command you to throw your fist in the air and sing along.  Tornillo sounds great and doesn't try to be an UDO clone.  Mark's vocal style is similar to Dirkschneider's, but with better versatility.  We all know that UDO is not the best ballad vocalist, and this is where Mark shines, especially on the track Kill the Pain.  Hoffman and Co. sound great and have returned with a strong enough album to get the Accept machine rolling again.  This CD rocks!  Go get it!

Bottom Line: Accept is back and they are here to stay.  The best CD the band has produced in over 25 years, and believe it or not UDO was not involved.  Nay sayer's must check this one out, because Tornillo delivers the goods vocally and the rest of the band kills musically. 

- Ragman has his balls to the wall