CD of the Month
  • Mudvayne
    by Mudvayne
  • Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground New Edition
    Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground New Edition
    by Michael Moynihan, Didrik Soderlind
  • Retribution
    by Shadows Fall
  • Brutal Legend
    Brutal Legend
    Electronic Arts

The Corona Files - Part #18

Welcome to the newest format from the Genghis and Ragman Show.  We are titling this series The Corona Files.  This is going to be a different format from the regular show, but will still provide similar content.  We are dedicated to put out more shows, weekly, while we're all on lock down.  Join us tonight for part 18 in this series where we discuss our current status as well as how artists are staying busy during the shelter in place.  The boys also explore some of the latest collabs in quarantine, as well as if Baby Metal is a crucial part of heavy metal history.  Prior to the pandemic, the lads were joined by BRKN Love vocalist/guitarist Justin Benlolo to discuss his band's debut album of the same name.  He also talks about the new retro sound and the bands that have cloned it, as well as the others that borrow enough to round out their sound.  Ragman and Justin debate on whether its cooler to rip off Led Zeppelin or Nickleback.  Tune in to see which band they picked.

DVD of the Show:  IQ - Forever Live

Beer of the Show: Untitled Art - Tangerine Milkshake IPA  Beer Rating:  3.5

Featured Tracks:  Lacuna Coil - Veneficium, IQ - The Darkest Hour, Falling in Reverse - Popular Monster, Baby Metal - Karate, Jinjer/Suicide Silence - Territorial Pissings (Nirvana Cover), The Sword - She (Kiss cover), Armored Saint - Isolation (Live From Isolation), BRKN Love - Flies In the Honey, Oxygen, Shot Down, In Your Hands, Papercuts

Ragman's Pick of the Show:  Trick or Treat - Libra (One Hundred Dragons Force)

Genghis' Pick of the Show:  Unprocessed - Abandonded

-Ragman is lovin what BRKN Love is putting down.

The Corona Files - Part#: 18


The Corona Files - Part #17

Welcome to the newest format from the Genghis and Ragman Show.  We are titling this series The Corona Files.  This is going to be a different format from the regular show, but will still provide similar content.  We are dedicated to put out more shows, weekly, while we're all on lock down.  Join us tonight for part 17 in this series where we discuss our current status as well as how artists are staying busy during the shelter in place.  The boys also talk about how they're passing the time, during the shelter in place, and what they're checking out on YouTube.  Next the lads were joined by Shattered Skies guitarist Ian Rockett as he discusses how life, outside of London, UK has been affected by the virus as well as their new single Born of Solder.  Ian also talks of the complexities of playing the song, as well as what is in store for their 3rd full length album.  He also talks the challenges of tapping and still using a pick.

DVD of the Show:  Opeth - In Live Concert at The Royal Albert Hall

Beer of the Show:  Spindletap - The Stunner  Beer Rating: 4

Featured Tracks:  Past Five - Close to the Exit, Dokken - Just Got Lucky, Opeth - Bleak, Iron Maiden - Heaven Can't Wait, Benante/Ian/ Liker/Blythe - Doomsday (Discharge cover), Van Halen - Dirty Movies, Scorpions - Sign of Hope, Shattered Skies - You Will Know My Name, Born of Solder, The End of Rebirth, Elegance and Grace, Shut In, Arisen

Ragman's Pick of the Show:  Mystic Prophecy - Dracula

Genghis' Pick of the Show: Barishi - The Silent Circle

-Ragman is still geeking after this interview.  Loving the Shattered Skies.

The Corona Files - Part#: 17


The Corona Files - Part #16

Welcome to the newest format from the Genghis and Ragman Show.  We are titling this series The Corona Files.  This is going to be a different format from the regular show, but will still provide similar content.  We are dedicated to put out more shows, weekly, while we're all on lock down.  Join us tonight for part 16 in this series where we discuss our current status as well as how artists are staying busy during the shelter in place.  The boys also discuss current rock news and give their takes on it.  Next the lads were joined by Dark Tranquility guitarist Chris Amott as he discusses life in Sweden, during the pandemic aw well as what he has been doing to pass the time.  He also gives us some insight behind the direction of his latest solo album Electric Twighlight.  If that weren't enough, Ragman takes Chris down memory lane to talk about his time in Arch Enemy as well as how he landed the gig in Dark Tranquility.

Beer of the Show:  Sigma - Maximum Deluxury  Beer Rating:  4

Featured Tracks:  The Birthday Massacre - Diamonds, Arch Enemy - Silverwing, It Dies Today - The Bacchanal Affair, Soilwork - The Analyst, At The Movies - St. Elmoe's Fire (The Man In Motion), Arch Enemy - Revenous, Chris Amott - Agenda, Symphony of Home, Out In The Cold, Armageddon - Fugitive Dust

Ragman's Pick of the Show:  In This Moment - The In Between

Genghis' Pick of the Show:  Ulcerate - There is No Horizon

-Ragman learned alot from Chris.  Horns Up!

The Corona Files - Part#: 16


The Corona Files - Part #15

Welcome to the newest format from the Genghis and Ragman Show.  We are titling this series The Corona Files.  This is going to be a different format from the regular show, but will still provide similar content.  We are dedicated to put out more shows, weekly, while we're all on lock down.  Join us tonight for part 15 in this series where we discuss our current status as well as how artists are staying busy during the shelter in place.  The guys also discuss if it's bad to force metal on your kid as well as discuss their love for all of the new mashups available on Youtube.  Prior to the pandemic, the lads were joined by Hands Like Houses guitarist Matt Cooper to discuss their quick tour as well as what is coming up new music wise.  He also talks about how difficult it was to break in their native country of Australia.

DVD of the Show:   Rage - From the Cradle to the Stage (20th Anniversary)

Beer of the Show:  Oskar Blues - Bourbon Barrel Aged Ten Fiddy  Beer Rating:  4

Featured Tracks:  Ambush  - Yperite, Skid Row - Piece of Me, Rage - Down, Lamb of God - New Colosal Hate, Benante/Skolnick/Diaz - La Villa Strangiato (Rush cover), Dio/Survivor Mashup - Holy Tiger, Chic/Iron Maiden Mashup - Rime of the Good Times, Michael Jackson/Judas Priest Mashup - Billy Jean's Got Another Thing Coming, Hands Like Houses - Introduced Species, Sick, Spineless Crow, Monster, Half Hearted

Ragman's Pick of the Show:  Shape of Water - Not All the Things

Genghis' Pick of the Show: Nightmare - The Bridge is Burning

-Ragman is ready for some change.

The Corona Files - Part#: 15


The Corona Files - Part #14

Welcome to the newest format from the Genghis and Ragman Show.  We are titling this series The Corona Files.  This is going to be a different format from the regular show, but will still provide similar content.  We are dedicated to put out more shows, weekly, while we're all on lock down.  Join us tonight for part 14 in this series where we discuss our current status as well as how artists are staying busy during the shelter in place.  Lastly, the boys debate how record companies will survive the pandemic?  Next, the lads were joined by Oz drummer Mark Ruffneck as he discusses how the Corona virus has affected life in Stockholm, Sweden as well as their upcoming release Forced Commandments.  Mark also talks about his 19yr hiatus from music, as well as how he got Oz back together.     

Beer of the Show:  B-52 - Coconut Pose  Beer Rating:  3

Featured Tracks:  Asphault Valentine - Save Me, Boston - Long Time, Ritiual Dictates - Dominance and Will, Falling in Reverse - Just Like You, ZZ Top - I'm bad, I'm Nationwide, Oz - Fire in the Brain, Spiders, Long and Lonely Road, Revival, Heart of a Beast

Ragman's Pick of the Show:  Rage - Let Them Rest in Peace

Genghis' Pick of the Show:  Mashup - MCR/Metallica - Welcome to the Black Parade/Master of Puppets

-Ragman's brain is on fire, should he be worried?

The Corona Files - Part#: 14