CD of the Month
  • Mudvayne
    by Mudvayne
  • Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground New Edition
    Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground New Edition
    by Michael Moynihan, Didrik Soderlind
  • Retribution
    by Shadows Fall
  • Brutal Legend
    Brutal Legend
    Electronic Arts

Come On Feel The Noize: The Story of Rock Became Metal

Come On Feel the Noize is one of the best metal documentaries, I've seen since Metal: A Headbanger's Journey.  This doc, like Headbanger's takes an in depth look at the origins of rock and which bands made it heavy.  The filmmakers do a nice job of looking at all aspects of rock, and how they helped shape the sound of metal/hard rock. 

The film is full of killer interviews with guys that help shape the genre like Jimmy Page (Led Zepplelin) and Ian Gillian (Deep Purple) as well as many others.  The film also includes great interviews with more contemporary artists like Dee Snider, Michael Monroe, Doro, Nikki Sixx, Hansi Kursch and more.  The most surprising get, was James Hetfield.  You don't really see him in many of these.  It was cool to get his perspective on music and the metal genre.  If that weren't enough, there is some killer live footage included as well.  This one is a must for metal fans.

Bottom Line: One of the best metal doc's I've seen in a while.  Very informative, and entertaining which will leave you wanting more.

-Ragman digs a good doc!


Humble Pie: The Life and Times of Steve Marriot

I love a great rock doc, especially if it is done well.  Recently I stumbled across a new documentary which focusses on the career of Steve Marrriot.  As you would expect, the doc. mainly covers his work with Small Faces and Humble Pie.  This documentary takes an in depth look into Marriot's career and the bands he made household names.  It also dives into his personal life as well as his mysterious death. 

There are several guest appearances from the likes of Peter Frampton, Jerry Shirley and Greg Ridley from (Humble Pie), Kevin Dubrow (Quiet Riot), Simon Kirke (Free, Bad Company) as well as many more.  The interviews with the artists, appeared to be done some time ago.  I'm not sure how long this one has been in the works, but most of the interviews are dated.  That said, it's not a bad thing, because each artist gives great insight behind Marriot, Small Faces and Humble Pie. 

The best thing about the doc. is the archival footage from Humble Pie.  I really dug seeing that as well as the Small Faces footage. The only downside to this film is the screen.  The movie fills the center of the screen, but the borders are either blurred or showing some other graphics.  It became distracting at times.  Other than that, a solid documentary on the very underrated Steve Marriot.  By the way, don't forget to watch the special features to catch additional interviews with Rick Nielsen and Bun E Carlos (Cheap Trick) as well as extended interviews with the other artists featured in the film.

Bottom LineA solid look into two bands that help shape the face of rock n roll, and the man behind them.

-Ragman is thinking of checking out some additional Marriot works after this one.




If you are a fan of kick ass heavy rock - in the vein of classic W.A.S.P., Rogue Male, Motörhead, and vintage KISS - then the newly-formed Wolf Chamber is a must-hear, especially their newly released song, “Forest of Darkness.” Comprised of Ed Gage (lead vocals and rhythm guitars), Dave Starr (lead and rhythm guitar), London Wide (bass), and Josh Foster (drums), metal fans will be familiar with its members’ previous work, with the likes of WildeStarr, Steelwitch, Vicious Rumors, and Chastain. And a free download of “Forest of Darkness” is available at“Like many musical relationships these days, Ed Gage and I met via the internet - Facebook to be exact,” explains Starr. “He was a fan of the work I have done over the years with WildeStarr, VR, and CHASTAIN.... and we struck up a friendship. I checked out some of his songs on YouTube, and found one that intrigued me. What I heard was a very rough demo version of ‘Forest of Darkness.’ I contacted Ed and asked him if I could do some work on the song to make it better, and he was very receptive to my ideas. Most people are very protective of their songs and ideas, so to be honest I was expecting Ed to tell me HELL NO. I really had no idea what I was going to do, but to make a long story short, in my spare time over the next few months, I basically re-wrote all of the music and re-structured much of the vocal parts to accompany the new music. I presented ED with a rough demo of my new changes and he loved it!”

“While WildeStarr took a short break from recording CD # 4, I had Ed record his vocals and guitars parts out in Los Angeles and sent them to us here in Texas. I recorded my guitar parts here in the WildeStarr studio, and WildeStarr singer London Wilde played the bass. WildeStarr drummer Josh Foster recorded his drum tracks for us out in San Francisco, and he also mixed and mastered the song. What we have in ‘Forest of Darkness’ is a stripped down, brash, rock n’ roll tune. It’s sort of Motorhead meets Rogue Male meets classic W.A.S.P. and KISS. There is none of the sophisticated polish that people are used to hearing from WildeStarr, I did not want to do that. Its loud, obnoxious, and in your face with all the bumps and bruises that rock n roll is supposed to be about. It’s made to be played LOUD. We had fun doing this and hope you like what you hear!”

Gage also explained his side of the story. “It’s a crazy way how this project all came together. I relocated to Los Angeles in the summer of 2017. I began working in the film industry as well as recording music. Almost a year later, an episode I had worked on of the HBO show ‘Westworld’ aired, which I ended up having a lot of screen time on. After, I got a lot of attention from it - I received an unexpected message from the man himself, Dave Starr. I had told him that I had enjoyed his musical contributions to the band Vicious Rumors. While we were in conversation I had told him that I also was a musician myself, and the topic came up of possibly collaborating on music. Fast forward almost a year and a half later. Here we are with a new project and a debut single! And here’s to many more recordings to come!”






Killer Nun

I know it's not Halloween, but is there ever a bad time to watch a horror movie?  I think not.  The latest one to slide across my desk was the classic Italian horror film Killer Nun.  The film was originally released in late 70's has been recently given the royal treatment and a re-release by Arrow Video

The Nun is the "true" story of a nun having issues with her vows, and has been transformed into a sex crazed, drug addict, murderer, or at least that what you think for most of the movie.  The movie has some nice twists that keep you entertained throughout.  I don't want to spoil this one, so that is all I'll comment on.  Other than that the movie looks great, with the restoration, and proves to be a lost gem from the horror genre from the late 70's early 80's.

Bottom Line: A torrid tale of a Nun desparate to find herself.  Does she want to stay of the cloth, or stray to the other debaucherous seedy side of life.  This one was fun, and is a must see for horror fans.

-Ragman can't believe he never saw this one back in the day.


Hitchhike to Hell

I'm loving the classic 70's/80's Grindhouse type horror films, getting re-released these days.  I recently checked out one called Hitchhike to Hell courtesy of Arrow Films.  Arrow has a knack for finding some lost gems, and more obscure films from 30 to 40 years ago and giving them a second chance.  Thanks Arrow!  That said, Hitchhike to Hell is the classic story of a Mamma's boy/Homicidal Maniac.  Sounds like a nice guys doesn't it? 

Hitchhike centers around Howard, who is a dry cleaning delivery guy with serious mother issues, and an appetite for hitchhikers.  Sounds creepy doesn't it?  Long story short, if Howard picks up a hitchhiker, that has left home, due to issues with his/her mother, then it's lights out for the hitchhiker.  This one was fun, full of bad acting and cheesy special effects.  This one definitely goes in the B/cult classic category for me.

Bottom Line: If you're looking for a creepy/campy horror film, then Hitchhike is your movie.  It is comical at times, even though I believe it is supposed to be serious, which makes it more funny.  This one is light and fun.

-Ragman was hoping for a little more, but thinks he'll come to enjoy this one more in time, especially after a few beers.