CD of the Month
  • Mudvayne
    by Mudvayne
  • Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground New Edition
    Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground New Edition
    by Michael Moynihan, Didrik Soderlind
  • Retribution
    by Shadows Fall
  • Brutal Legend
    Brutal Legend
    Electronic Arts

Steven Wilson - Home Invasion: In Concert At The Royal Albert Hall

I have to admit, I came late to the party when it comes to Steven Wilson and Porcupine Tree.  I had heard his name as well as his former band mentioned several times, over the years, but did not lock in until his last solo record To the Bone.  Believe it or not I was in a record store in Bologna, Italy the first time I heard it playing.  I thought to myself wow, this is bad ass, I wonder who it is, so I asked the proprietor and he told me it was Steven Wilson.  At that point, I was hooked.  All that said, Steven has just released his latest live show on CD and BluRay, which was recorded in London at the The Royal Albert Hall.

This is show was shot beautifully.  You get that sense of being in the arena viewing the show from every angle.  Steven has a very stimulating light show and use of visual effects.  He uses a back screen to add visual effects as well as bring in some clips from his music videos, to add to the dynamic of the show.  The audio on this release is equally impressive.  Steven and his band sound amazing live.  The set list is comprised mostly of Wilson's solo work, but as a bonus, he has thrown in 6 Porcupine Tree songs to appease the diehards.  This is a solid release and is a must have for Wilson's fans.  Also, if you're new to Porcupine or Steven Wilson, then this is a perfect way to get a preview of what this guy is about.  You will not be disappointed.

Bottom Line: Steven Wilson showing off how bad ass he and his band are.  A great visual as well as sounding incredible.  If you remotley like Steven Wilson, then this one is worth checking out.  After one viewing, you'll be sold.

-Ragman still can't believe it took him this long to discover the musical genius, which is Steven Wilson.


Podcast #244: Purge

Have a purge they said. It'll be fun they said...The lads have returned with their long lost Halloween show. Join Genghis & Ragman as they hide out on a rainy night during The Purge. Will they survive and possibly take out a few choice pop stars in the bargain? Or will they finally be snuffed out like the two old cigarette butts they are? Either way, with an opportunity to commit any crime imaginable with impunity from dusk 'til dawn, Eddie may want to watch his back...

And be sure to check out as the boys talk with Tim Brown, Canadian guitarist with Striker, as he discusses the band's writing process and tour schedule in support of their latest album, Play To Win. Horns up!

Beer of the Show: Brash Brewing Company - Cortado
Appearance: 4.0
Aroma: 4.0
Palate: 4.0
Taste: 4.0
Overall: 4.0
"Our beloved local Brash Brewing's imperial breakfast stout blew our minds with coffee infused velvety goodness."

Featured Tracks: Type O Negative - All Hallows Eve; The Haunted - Tighten the Noose; Iron Maiden - Die With Your Boots On; Pantera - Fucking Hostile; Whitechapel - The Saw Is The Law; Lordi - Hunting Season; King Diamond - Welcome Home; Striker - Play To Win, Heart Of Lies, Standing Alone & On The Run; At The Gates - They Shall Burn; Lizzie Borden - The Scar Across My Heart; Blue Murder - Riot; Crematory - 'Til The Dawn; Ice 9 Kills - The American Nightmare

- Genghis is barely holding it together these days...

Podcast #244: Purge


Podcast Interview: Eric Martin (Mr. Big)

Join the lads in their latest An Evening With... series as they welcome back Mr. Big vocalist Eric Martin.  The boys recently caught up with, friend of the show, Mr. Big vocalist Eric Martin to discuss the band's latest live release Live From Milan.  Eric also discusses his recent solo European tour, as well as the state of Mr. Big.  Could this be the end of Mr. Big, or is their more gas in that tank?  Tune in to find out.  Lastly, Eric also gives some great stories about the late great Pat Torpey.

And hey if you dig the Mr. Big's music as much as we do, then show them some love by purchasing their music from your favorite online store won't you?  HORNS UP!

Featured Tracks:  Mr. Big - Everybody Needs a Little Trouble, Forever and Back, Defying Gravity, Undertow

-Ragman does not want to see the end of Mr. Big.  We at least need a farewell tour.

Podcast Interview - Eric Martin


Podcast Interview: Gus G

The boys recently caught up with Ex-Ozzy/Firewind guitarist Gus G to discuss his band's recent US tour supporting Vinnie Moore. Gus also discussed his time in Ozzy as well as what we can expect from him in the future.

And hey if you dig the Gus G's music as much as we do, then show him some love by purchasing his music from your favorite online store won't you?  HORNS UP!

Featured Tracks: Firewind - Lady of 1,000 Sorrows, Gus G - Don't Tread on Me, Nothing to Say, Ozzy Osbourne - Let it Die

-Ragman is gearing up for some new Firewind.

Podcast Interview: Gus G


Podcast Interview: Rudy Sarzo (The Guess Who)

The boys recently caught up with The Guess Who bassist Rudy Sarzo to discuss the band's recent release The Future Is What It Used to Be.  Rudy discussed how he was recruited into the band and that he has made this band his top priority.  Rudy also discusses many of his past bands.

And hey if you dig the The Guess Who's music as much as we do, show them some love by purchasing their singles from your favorite online store won't you?  HORNS UP!

Featured Tracks: Quiet Riot - Metal Health, The Guess Who - Playin On the Radio, When We Were Young, In America.

-Ragman is not giving up hope for a 2nd Project Driver album.

Podcast Interview - Rudy Sarzo