Steven Wilson - Home Invasion: In Concert At The Royal Albert Hall

I have to admit, I came late to the party when it comes to Steven Wilson and Porcupine Tree. I had heard his name as well as his former band mentioned several times, over the years, but did not lock in until his last solo record To the Bone. Believe it or not I was in a record store in Bologna, Italy the first time I heard it playing. I thought to myself wow, this is bad ass, I wonder who it is, so I asked the proprietor and he told me it was Steven Wilson. At that point, I was hooked. All that said, Steven has just released his latest live show on CD and BluRay, which was recorded in London at the The Royal Albert Hall.
This is show was shot beautifully. You get that sense of being in the arena viewing the show from every angle. Steven has a very stimulating light show and use of visual effects. He uses a back screen to add visual effects as well as bring in some clips from his music videos, to add to the dynamic of the show. The audio on this release is equally impressive. Steven and his band sound amazing live. The set list is comprised mostly of Wilson's solo work, but as a bonus, he has thrown in 6 Porcupine Tree songs to appease the diehards. This is a solid release and is a must have for Wilson's fans. Also, if you're new to Porcupine or Steven Wilson, then this is a perfect way to get a preview of what this guy is about. You will not be disappointed.
Bottom Line: Steven Wilson showing off how bad ass he and his band are. A great visual as well as sounding incredible. If you remotley like Steven Wilson, then this one is worth checking out. After one viewing, you'll be sold.
-Ragman still can't believe it took him this long to discover the musical genius, which is Steven Wilson.