CD of the Month
  • Mudvayne
    by Mudvayne
  • Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground New Edition
    Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground New Edition
    by Michael Moynihan, Didrik Soderlind
  • Retribution
    by Shadows Fall
  • Brutal Legend
    Brutal Legend
    Electronic Arts

Harvey Hits Houston

Purchase this shirt design and 100% of the proceeds go to JJ Watt's Houston Flood Relief Fund.As you may or may not know, The Genghis & Ragman Show is recorded live at Nightmare Studios in Houston, Texas. Luckily, the campus did not sustain flood damage, but it has delayed our recording schedule significantly. So, don't worry about us. We're all good. And we're quickly getting back up to speed thanks in large part to all of the first responders and the army of volunteers that have come from every corner of Texas and nearby states to offer their assistance in every way imaginable.

So, we'll try to get some content to you as soon as possible, but if you've been listening to the show for any length of time, well, you know the drill. We look forward to getting some shows out - especially for a chance to enjoy a well-deserved beer.

By the way, it may interest you to know that after a thorough investigation, we've concluded that John had nothing to do with this.

- Genghis wants to give a huge HORNS UP to the Cajun Navy for their efforts...


Brothers From Other Mothers

It's a continuing miracle that after having been diagnosed with ALS - and given 3 to 5 years to live - Jason Becker has been stable since 1997. Even more inspiring is his tendency to tweet out the love to fellow musicians on a fairly regular basis:

Class act all the way. If you're interested in supporting his efforts, you can check out his latest album in progress, or donate to the cause of ALS research.


- Genghis will never play that well - ever...


Summer Vacation Shenanigans 2017

As you know, it's summer vacation time here at The Right To Rock studios, but that doesn't mean the lads aren't out and about doing things with a metal edge to them, amirite?

Case in point, Ragman just sent word of him and the Metal Munchkin running into a certain bass player for a certain seminal thrash band while grabbing breakfast in Milan, Italy. So, obviously, he grabbed a promo...

Here's hoping we can bring you an interview with some of these cats in the near future. Until then, if you haven't seen them on tour this year (and still have the chance), do yourself a favor and check 'em out, cuz they blow doors everywhere they go. And get that new album, Dystopia, from your favorite merchants online or otherwise, capisce? Oh, and...


- Genghis is a *little* jealous - but he is heading for San Diego next week...


Podcast #222: E-Rex

The man with the plan. And the thumb. This guy's all about the thumb.We at The Right To Rock think Mr. Big is one one of those bands that gets better with age. Much like the conversation between Genghis, Ragman and Mr. Big's frontman, Eric Martin. The lads recently caught up with the man himself live and in person for a little one on one with one of rock music's most amiable, tell-it-like-it-is artists and it's sure to be interesting. So, kick back for another Evening With... as Eric talks about writing and singing on Mr. Big's latest album, Defying Gravity, as well as the challenges of raising a family and remaining relevant in modern rock.

And don't you dare be shy about hitting up your favorite online stores to get a copy of Mr. Big's Defying Gravity (Frontiers Records) if you don't already own a copy, cuz it's great stuff. So, grab a frosty beverage and put them HORNS UP!

FWIW: We were sitting in the back of a tour bus during some monster heat outside, so the A/C may be a little noisy but we cleaned up the audio as best we could. Still counts!

Beer of the Show: Frost Hammer Doppelbock (Harpoon Brewery)
Appearance: 3.0
Aroma: 4.0
Palate: 4.0
Taste: 4.0
Overall: 4.0
"This amazing dark beer is a damn fine example of the style. Ausgezeichnet!"

- Genghis is pretty sure the name 'E-Rex' isn't gonna be catching on anytime soon...

Podcast #222: E-Rex


Podcast Interview: Jorn Lande

Look directly into Jorn's eyes and you risk being turned into one of his crow minions. No foolin'!The boys recently caught up with Jorn Lande to discuss his latest release, Life on Death Road.  Jorn discussed how the album, and his new band, came together, as well as how he ended up working with the guys in Voodoo Circle for this new release and what their plans are going forward. Jorn also discusses his Pentakill project and much, much more.   

And hey if you dig Jorn's music as much as we do, show those guys some love by purchasing their latest album, Life on Death Road, from your favorite online store won't you? Oh, and HORNS UP!

Featured Tracks: Jorn - Out of Every Nation; Pentakill - Lightbringer; Jorn - Life on Death Road, Hammered to the Cross (The Business), The Slippery Slope (Hangman's Rope), I Walked Away, and Running Up That Hill

- Ragman is wondering where/when he and Jorn are going to meet up for a beer...

Podcast Interview: Jorn Lande