AAAH! Zombies!!
Thursday, December 2, 2010 at 10:25PM
Ragman in DVD Reviews, comedy, government conspiracies, zombies

Another horror comedy with zombies? Count me in!Nothing like a good zombie movie, especially if there is a little comedy mixed in.  I was never a huge fan of horror/comedy genre until Shaun of the Dead, but since then I've been more open to the concept.  Well, to be fair, Return of the Living Dead () did get me believing that the two genres could mix; believe me I'm kind of a purist when it comes to horror movies, but if I know that there is going to be a comedic angle involved, then I can accept it for what it is.  It's when they don't tell you this that pisses me off - but I digress.  The latest movie to be spot on for mixing the two genres is the spectacular AAAH! Zombies!!

AAAH! Zombies!! is a tale of 2 couples that drink some government special sauce toxic goo that transforms them into zombies.  The great thing about this film is that the couples don't realize that they are the undead; there are hints that something is afoul, but the gang just can't figure out what's going on.  They're convinced by a fellow zombie that they are superhuman soldiers, but as body parts and other things start to fall off of them, they start to get suspicious.  This is a well done film, and the use of black & white and color is pretty clever.  When the couple are in black & white they're viewed as zombies, but when in color, they appear normal - with the exception of a few flesh wounds.  A solid flick all around, this is a movie that could be enjoyed year round for the comedic angle.

Bottom Line: A humorous film about zombies that don't realize they're zombies.  How funny is that?  Add comedy and gore, what else is there to need?

- Ragman will have this one in the rotation for a while...

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