We're on UStream, ya know
Friday, March 4, 2011 at 3:45PM
Genghis in Genghis & Ragman, Site News, internet, ustream

Aren't you glad this isn't in HD right about now?In case you weren't aware, Genghis & Ragman's UStream channel over on ustream.tv's site is where we sometimes stream the recording of our podcasts, usually anywhere from 8:00pm - 11:00pm (CST), Thursday nights (on the weeks we record).  I usually tweet such events, so be sure to check over yonder ocassionally.

We recently recorded a show on the topic of Revolver's Annual Golden God Awards, discussing the picks that Revolver made and who we would vote for if they asked us.  Hey, you think they might, next time?

- Genghis just tries to help...

Article originally appeared on The Right To Rock (http://therighttorock.com/).
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