Thrash metal from the hinterlands of Lower Saxony, with a touch of melodeath thrown in for flavor. Score!German thrash metal band Drone is currently rocking the shit out of my headphones, just the way I like it, with their third studio album, For Torch and Crown. In a soundscape of retro as well as cutting edge extreme metal bands you'd be forgiven for excusing them as yet "another thrash band". Forgiven, yes, but excused? Never.
Any fan of good thrash metal would be doing themselves a huge disservice to pass over these Saxon madmen. While the characteristics of the genre are there, it never feels old. You just find yourself headbanging your ass off when all of the sudden a nice melodic turn comes in, reminiscient of classic In Flames. And it's precisely that sonic flavor that really spices up what's already a damn fine metal stew.
The Bottom Line: If you're a thrash fan, or even just a fan of tight guitar work and heavy, chugging, rhythyms with some melody thrown into the mix, then check this band out pronto quick. Period.
Tracks To Mosh Around The Office To: Zombies In The Moshpit, Deepest Red and Short Way Down
- Genghis is still headbanging as he wrote this review...