Mollo Martin - The Third Cage
Tuesday, April 24, 2012 at 9:10PM
Ragman in CD Reviews

It is hard to believe, but it has been 10 years since vocalist Tony Martin (Ex-Black Sabbath) and guitar maestro Dario Mollo have collaborated.  The 2 joined forces in the late 90's and have just released their 3rd album entitled The Third Cage.  As you might have expected, the music is is heavy ala Black Sabbath era Martin, along with some more poppier tunes.  The Third Cage is a nice mix of both styles and may prove to be the duo's strongest release yet.  Dare I say this is the strongest thing I have heard Tony do in awhile, yes I do. 

The CD starts off in fine form with the lead single Wicked World, which is a mid tempo heavy rocker.   It is a melodic rocker that really sets the tone for the record.  It has an infectious chorus that commands you to sing along.  The CD has a nice flow mixing melody along with solid heavy tunes.  I would say this albums leans on the heavier side with tracks like Still in Love with You and Wardance, but also lightens things up with the AOR-esque Don't Know What it is About You and One of the Few.  A solid mix nonetheless.  To top all of that off, both musicians are at the top of their game.  I would have to say this is the strongest record of their 3 releases.

Bottom Line A must for fans of Tony Martin era Black Sabbath.  Sabbathy sounding tunes with lots of melody mixed with a bit of an AOR vibe.  Also, did I mention the sick guitar playing from Dario Mollo?

Standout Tracks: Still in Love With You, Oh My Soul, Don't Know What it is About You and Wardance.

-Ragman could air guitar to this one all day.

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