Teenage Casket Company - Best Kept Secret
Monday, July 23, 2012 at 9:56PM
Ragman in 80s alternative, CD Reviews, Not Another Teen Movie, hard rock, party rock, power pop, punk, summer CD

Looking for some great rock music for your summer soundtrack? Look no further than the Teenage Casket Company; power-pop punk done right.Well, it happened again! I found a band that has totally kicked my ass. Teenage Casket Company [TCC] pack a power pop punch unlike any band I have heard in a while. In the late 90s and early 2000s there was an influx of bands that were just one-offs that didn't stick around long enough to really make a name for themselves.  TCC was one of those bands, having formed in 2003 and putting out a couple of releases before sinking into obscurity. Fortunately, there was enough of a demand for the band to strap on the guitars again, resurfacing in 2012 after a 6 year hiatus thanks to a small but loyal following. 

TCC is a hard rock, power pop, trio with a punk edge (sounds cool, doesn't it?) making for a fusion of 80s alternative and hard rock (imagine a punk version of Cheap Trick). Their recent release, Best Kept Secret, is a best of collection consisting of their only 2 releases: Dial it Up and the Eat Your Heart Out EP.  This CD is chock full of melodic songs with catchy-as-hell choruses. From start to finish there is no shortage of killer tracks. 

I think I dig the mid-tempo rocker Cocaine the best, ably driven by a killer riff and an infectious chorus. I really like how these guys blend in the 80s alternative to their sound, as heard in the INXS-flavored Thank You for Nothing. Killer stuff. This CD reminds me a lot of the soundtrack for Not Another Teen Movie from a few years back, itself a compilation of power punk/rock bands doing covers of classic 80s alternative songs.  TCC has that power punk feel, over a solid foundation of 80s alternative mixed with hard rock.  I think this is my official CD for the summer. Great party rock!

The Bottom Line:  Power pop with a punk attitude. Well-written, fun songs that will stay with you and leave you wanting more.

Standout Tracks: Cocaine, Best Friend is My Radio, Down on Luck and Don't Look at Me Like That

- Ragman recently dyed his hair green. "But you're bald"? Uhh, then don't ask...

Article originally appeared on The Right To Rock (http://therighttorock.com/).
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