Some movies get you intrigued by the name alone, and Zombie A-Hole was one of those movies for me. Not having seen a trailer or even read a description of the plot, I knew I had to see it. By the title, it was obvious this was a B-rated horror flick and that it would be low budget, but it didn't matter, because what is better than a zombie, that is an asshole? Zombie A-Hole is about a zombie in a pin stripe suit that goes around killing twins - nuff said. Oh yeah, there are some rednecks and a one eyed lady after him. That is about all I got from this movie.
The movie is shot in that retro 70's horror vibe ala Grindhouse, which would have made this one a winner, but unfortunately due to a weak plot line and the poor acting, this one fell kind of short. Yes it had its moments, but they got a little tired after awhile. The biggest critique is that this movie was way too long for its own good. Clocking in at 108 min., this one could have been easily over in a buck 75.
Bottom Line: A horror flick with promise, but not quite making the mark. The movie drug and with the poor acting, you will either dose off or be looking for FF button on the remote to see how it ends.
-Ragman fired up the coffee pot for this one.