I feel sorry for the guy who has to tyoe up the name of this album title in their review...DOH!Should you doubt the seriousness of progmetal band Chronos Zero's debut album, know that the full title for it is A Prelude to Emptiness - The Tears Path: Chapter Alpha. Not so smug now are you?
Well, Italy's clearly latched on to the whole progressive metal genre with gusto as it seems everywhere you turn around these days you run into a new band full of the requisite virtuosos in pirate shirts. And the members of Chronos Zero wear their influences on their billowy sleeves on tracks like Lost Hope, New Hope Pt. II and The Creation, which are nearly dead ringers for classic Symphony X tunes. Not that I'm complaining about that. Some influences are so strong they can't help but rise to the surface in everything you do.
Luckily, the boys of Chronos Zero are quite talented or such an attempt would fall flat on its face. So, yes, this is a concept album, but I'd be hard pressed to tell you I could figure out what was going on or whether the story was even well told. But what I can tell you is that Chronos Zero is a band that has the talent to make original progmetal music that sounds like authentic 90s era stuff of the genre. And, I can also tell you that these people are clearly talented. Fair enough?
The Bottom Line: If you're a fan of the genre, particularly of a certain era, you're likely to go cuckoo for these Italian Cocoa Puffs. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying they're bad. They're just not breaking any new ground, something that sets the cream of the crop apart in this crowded genre.
- Genghis knows he could never have pulled off that pirate look...