Pamela Moore - Resurrect Me
Saturday, July 13, 2013 at 10:06AM
Ragman in CD Reviews

Stepping out of the shadows of Queensryche, Pamela Moore (Sister Mary), is set to release her own brand of hard rock, to the masses.  Moore has just released her 4th solo record, titled Ressurrect Me.  The CD has a very metal vibe, thanks to guitarist Michael Posch (Raddaka).  As one would guess, the vocals are strong and the songs are heavy and melodic.  Moore and Posch make a good team, and deliver some high octane rock n roll.  The songs on the CD have a bit of a dark vibe, which is a good thing, but the real surprise, well sort of, was the classic Queensryche vibe, that is heard in the title track and Awakening.   It's funny, because these songs are stronger than anything the Ryche has put out in along time, well at least, until this year.  A solid platter of melodic metal tunes, with only a few misteps.

Bottom Line:  Solid, memorable, melodic metal.  Moore proving, that she is more than just Sister Mary, from Operation Mindcrime.  A heavy edged disc that leave you wanting more, no pun intended.

Standout Tracks: Melt Into You, Paranoia, Wide Awake and Awakening

- Ragman was quite surprised with this one.

Article originally appeared on The Right To Rock (
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