"The more things change...", amirite? Havok's latest record kicks ass as it makes you long for the 80s.Colorado thrashers Havok have been riding the new wave of American thrash since 2004 thanks largely to the musical vision of frontman David Sanchez. Like a modern version of a young Dave Mustaine, Sanchez is angry about dirty politics, the erosion of civil rights, and the ever-present threat of annihilation. And he lets his guitar do the talking on the band's latest release, Unnatural Selection.
Decrying the modern evils in our society (sadly, pretty much the same ones we had in the 80s), Havok fashions thrash metal that sounds familiar but authentic. Lead guitarist Reece Scruggs lays some tasty shred over Sanchez's crunchy riffage and defiant sneer, while Pete (Webber, Drums) and Mike (Leon, Bass) hold down the bottom end like champs.
The Bottom Line: This is straight ahead thrash metal that sounds like it came out of a time capsule from 1982 - and it is glorious. Like the cheeseburger, let's hope Havok's brand of music is around for a long time to come for an authentic, tried and true, American pleasure.
Tracks To Make You Want To Give Congress The Finger: I Am The State, Give Me Liberty...Or Give Me Death, Is It True, Under The Gun - shit, the whole album kicks ass!
- Genghis can't stop moshing and air guitaring all over the damn office...