The Hospital
Thursday, February 20, 2014 at 8:08PM
Ragman in DVD Reviews

The Hospital is about a reality show, set in an old abandoned hospital, which many think is haunted.  It is basically a parody, of all of the ghost hunter shows currently on TV today.  The movie is set up that way, but then turns into something much worse.  The main characters post as ghost hunters, but are really only in it for a cheap thrill.  The hospital chosen for the show, is basically a front for the ghost hunters to have their way with the non-suspecting guests, but little do they know the joint is actually haunted. 

This was a fairly disturbing flick, due to the rape, violence an anal torture (OUCH!).  Seriously, not a bad movie.  The acting was descent, but could have been better as with most B-movies.  The special effects aren't bad either.  The thing that holds this one together is the storyline, because it is fun and interesting.  Yeah, it gets a little twisted at times, but that's what a good movie does.  If you're into some gore and torture, then this one is for you.

Bottom LineA B-movie with a good story and some descent acting to boot.  You get it all with this one, murder, rape and torture.  If that ain't enough, there is some paranormal activity thrown in for good measure.

-Ragman is going to stay away from abandoned hospitals.

Article originally appeared on The Right To Rock (
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