When is the last time you had a horror film make you cringe? It had been a while for me, until I sat down to watch Thanatomorphose. This is the most disturbing moving I have seen, in quite sometime. The movie is about a loner girl who starts having some severe health issues. She first notices some bruising, which turns to more bruising and then eventually skin rotting off. Let's face it, she's turing into a zombie. She is not sure why this is happening, but seems to come to terms with it. It is as though she has contracted this disease, that is slowly killing her each day.
The film is based in the woman's apartment, and pretty much focuses on her deteriorating physical condition. She does have guests from time time to time; Mainly a loser boyfriend as well as another love interest, but other than that, that is pretty much it. Word of warning, this one is very graphic and will make those with a weaker stomach turn away more than once. I have to say, I've seen alot of fucked up movies in my time, and this one made me look away a time of two.
This is one of those avant garde horror flicks, you know the type, the one that tries to be artsy, while still trying to appeal to the horror genre. There is some symbolism, in the movie, that I'm still trying to figure out, and it's something that the director focuses on from time to time. The ceiling above the main character's bed, seems to be deteriorating at the rate her body is. Not sure what that symbolizes, but the two go together. A very well done movie, that will keeping you interested all the way through.
Bottom Line: One of the most disturbing films, I have ever watched. I haven't been sicked out by a movie in ages, but this one got to me. The special effects are amazing.
-Ragman is thinking that many barf bags will be filled during the viewing of this one.