Dust Bolt - Awake The Riot
Tuesday, June 3, 2014 at 4:15PM
Genghis in Bay Area Thrash Metal, CD Reviews, Dust Bolt, Havok, Neo Thrash, old school

This thrash album rocks hard. And they even have a kick-ass old school, apocalyptic, album cover. Nice.Heilige scheiße! Bavarian thrash masters, Dust Bolt (even their name is classic bad-assery) are back to kick your ass all up and down the straße with their second album, Awake The Riot. I'm pretty sure you have to scream that title whenever you read it for the full effect.

As the site's thrash metal fan in residence, my standards are deceptively simple: it has to rock. No bullshit, no fancy tricks, just hit me with that one of a kind intensity that only thrash can deliver. And the lads do just that. For a young quartet that's only been putting out product since 2010, Dust Bolt's music - like fellow neo-thrashers, Havok - follows the old school "if it ain't broke - we're gonna break that motherfucker now" philosophy in the path of the original masters of the genre: high octane, balls to the wall, metal from start to finish. There's some pretty furious riffage here and if you don't build up a sweat air guitaring to this, you're just not trying.

The Bottom Line: This is classic metal worthy of the Bay Area masters who started the subgenre. This bodes well for the future, with the new guys not just carrying the thrash metal torch, they're lighting a rocket with it and riding that bitch into the sun.

Tracks Likely To Cause An Increase In Your Insurance Rates: The whole damn album

- Genghis needs to do some live moshing...

Article originally appeared on The Right To Rock (http://therighttorock.com/).
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