Podcast Interview: Marty Friedman
Tuesday, October 13, 2015 at 10:04AM
Genghis in Inferno, Japan, Marty Friedman, Podcasts, US tour, solo album

The man with the hand, Marty Friedman drops by to chat with G&R about his latest album, Inferno.The lads sit down for a quick chat with the one and only Marty Friedman who's played with many great acts throughout his illustrious career including Cacophony, Megadeth, and Tourniquet - not to mention his own solo material. Since his move to Japan, he's become quite enamored of the culture, particularly the music scene where he's become quite the celebrity (the "Ryan Seacrest of Japan", as some have said). but let's let Marty do the talking.

Be sure to check out Marty's latest solo album, Inferno, available from Prosthetic Records. And keep a lookout for his ongoing tour. HORNS UP!

Featured Tracks: Paradise Express, Steroidhead

Article originally appeared on The Right To Rock (http://therighttorock.com/).
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