Damian Murdoch Trio - Electric Tentacles
Friday, April 3, 2015 at 11:31AM
Genghis in Australian, Austria, CD Reviews, CD of the Month, Damian Murdoch, Dennis Chambers, Harry Stöckl, Michael Lee Firkins, Michael Posch, Rush, The Winery Dogs, ex-pat, ppower trio, session musician

Aussie ex-pat Damian Murdoch hooked up with some Austrian musicians to form a kick ass power trio. Das klingt gut, nicht wahr?If you know me, you know I love instrumental music, and having it in the form of the power trio is always a treat. From Rush to The Winery Dogs, you just can't beat the infectious vibe of three talented musicians cranking out some amazing music, and the Damian Murdoch Trio is no exception on their

Things kick off aptly with The Opener, a down-and-dirty, bluesy number that prepares you for the album's vibe. The chickin' pickin' attack style of Funky Desert Rider is reminiscent of classic Michael Lee Firkins. And I love the Dennis Chambers-esque intro to the moody Visceral Circles Of The Cosmos. I could describe each tune on the album, but fans of the genre get the idea; this is a classic power trio exercise, where no one instrumentalist outshines the other because the groove is king. Words aren't necessary because the instruments do the talking in a sweet blend of rock, blues, and jazz (and a touch of latin rhythym) that will make it nearly impossible not to air jam along.

The Bottom Line: Australian guitarist Damian Murdoch has joined with two Austrian session musicians, drummer Michael Posch and bassist Harry Stöckl, to make a groove-heavy album that satisfies that power trio jones that never really goes away for long. 'Nuff said!

- Genghis wishes he was in a bad-ass power trio...

Article originally appeared on The Right To Rock (http://therighttorock.com/).
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