Who knew Geoff Tate (Operation Mindcrime, ex-Queensryche) could act? Well I didn't, until I saw the press release stating his name, in the credits, for the new horror movie The Burningmoore Deaths. It appears that Tate is branching out since leaving Queensryche. With his solo band not having the success that his former band currently is; I'm assuming he decided to take up acting. Believe or not, Tate aint't half band, even though he is in a limited role. He does offer a nice Rod Sterling type vibe, when he narrates over some of the story line. We all know that he definitely has the voice for that.
The Burninghouse Deaths is one of those lost footage type movies, which centers around a home improvement show. The premise is that Tate is a serial killer, that mass murdered his entire family and then disappeared. Well as fate would have it, the house that they are filming the reality show, is the house where Tate (The killer) has been residing. Well, as you might of guessed, Tate knocks off each of the home improvemen folks, one by one. Not a bad movie, but not a great one either. No gore to speak of, and some of the supporting cast, weren't the best actors. If you like your horror PG, then this might grab ya.
Bottom Line: This one may attract Queensryche fans as well as fans of horror, but unfortunately, I don't believe either will be impressed.
-Ragman is thinking Tate should start a reboot of the Twilight Zone. Dude has the voice for it.