The Corona Files - Part #25
Thursday, May 21, 2020 at 8:07PM
Ragman in Podcasts

Welcome to the newest format from the Genghis and Ragman Show.  We are titling this series The Corona Files.  This is going to be a different format from the regular show, but will still provide similar content.  We are dedicated to put out more shows, weekly, while we're all on lock down.  Join us tonight for part 25 in this series where we discuss our current status as well as how artists are staying busy during the shelter in place.  The guys remember Ronnie James Dio and talk about the odds of the Motley Crue/Def Leppard tour happening.  Are the bands in denial?  Next the lads welcome back Canedy/Rods drummer Carl Canedy to discuss life in PA as well as Canedy's new release Warrior.  Carl talks about how his new band came together and how this record differs from his previous release Headbanger.  He also discusses the possibility of playing live again, as well as his thoughts on virtual concerts.

DVD of the Show:  Pretty Maids - It Comes Alive

Beer of the Show: Gigantic Brewing - Too Much Coffee Man  Beer Rating:  3.5

Featured Tracks:  The Ron Keel Band - -Don't Misunderstand Me, Pretty Maids - Will You Still Kiss Me When I see You in Heaven, Primal Fear - Along Came the Devil, Dio - Wild One, Born on the Sun, Gojira - Stranded, King's X - Goldilox, The Rods - The Code, Canedy - Warrior, Attia, Lies, Not Even Love, Heat of the Night

Ragman's Pick of the Show:  GTAC - Rock N Roll Is Here To Stay

Genghis' Pick of the Show:  Avatar - Silence in the Age of Apes

-Ragman is preparing for the new normal.

Article originally appeared on The Right To Rock (
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