Is the new generation of rockers going old school. Recently Ragman visited the Hell's Heroes Festival and witnessed a new generation of metal heads. Next Ragman welcomes in Caleb from Lagmind. Caleb discusses his musical journey as well as his band Lagmind. We're also joined by one of Rag's oldest pals Rikky to chat some classic metal. That said, buckle up grab a beer and prepare to rock! And get those horns way up!!
Beer of the Show: Eureka Heights - Whose House Beer Rating: 3.5
Featured Tracks: Northlane - Carbonized, Radiohead - Lotus Flower, Twisted Sister - The Kids Are Back, Lagmind - Destiny, Portrayal of Guilt - We Are Always Alone, Electric Wizard - The Satanic Rites of Drugula, Silverstein - Poison Pill, Motionless in White - Reincarnate
Ragman - is going to miss his buddy Caleb. Good luck my friend and May the ....