The Ragman Show - Podcast-026
Friday, July 21, 2023 at 6:55PM
Ragman in Podcasts

What gives someone the right to sing to the top of their lungs, while I'm trying to relax in the sauna at the gym.  I get it, if you're singing at a murmur, but why do you think you have to project.  Join Ragman as he shares his latest gym nightmare/story.  Next Rag's brings in guitar extraordinaire, Al Joseph to discuss his latest single Crowned Royal.  Al discusses the motivation behind Crowned Royal as well as what is coming in the near future.  Rag's and Al also discuss being on the wagon, new bands and live shows.  So buckle in, grab a beer and get ready to rock!  Horns Up!

Beer of the Show: Fierce - Tropical Thunder  Beer Rating:  3

Featured Tracks: Beartooth - Might Love Myself, Hyvmine - Liberator, Al Joseph - Crowned Royal, Polyphia - G.O.A.T., Intervals - Epiphany, Al Joseph - Nightlights, Hyvmine - Cliffhanger, Paracynic, Al Joseph - Labyrinth, All of Creation, Dayseeker - Without me.

Ragman is getting in an instrumental mood.

Article originally appeared on The Right To Rock (
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