If someone continues to graze their butt while online at a food truck is it because or poor hygiene, or is it some sort of erotic fixation on the food. Who knows. Join Ragman as he ponders this question before bringing in Rox and Luca from Shape of Water. Rox and Luca give the goods on their latest album Amor Fati. The guys also break down some of the songs and discuss their deep meanings. If that weren't enough listen to hear how Luca was arrested for mistaken identity. So buckle in, grab a beer and get ready to rock! Horns Up!
Beer of the Show: Moonraker - The Hermit Beer Rating: 3.5
Featured Tracks: Caskets - Better Way Out, Shape of Water - Scar, The Snoot, Dancing With Tears in My Eyes, Words In Eternity, Falling, Numbers, The Smile - The Same, Slipknot - Adderall, Shape of Water - The World Is Calling Me
Ragman wants to see Shape of Water live...