CD of the Month
  • Mudvayne
    by Mudvayne
  • Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground New Edition
    Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground New Edition
    by Michael Moynihan, Didrik Soderlind
  • Retribution
    by Shadows Fall
  • Brutal Legend
    Brutal Legend
    Electronic Arts

The Ragman Show - Podcast-013

Is the new generation of rockers going old school.  Recently Ragman visited the Hell's Heroes Festival and witnessed a new generation of metal heads.  Next Ragman welcomes in Caleb from Lagmind.  Caleb discusses his musical journey as well as his band Lagmind.  We're also joined by one of Rag's oldest pals Rikky to chat some classic metal.  That said, buckle up grab a beer and prepare to rock! And get those horns way up!!

Beer of the Show:  Eureka Heights - Whose House   Beer Rating:  3.5

Featured Tracks:  Northlane - Carbonized, Radiohead - Lotus Flower, Twisted Sister - The Kids Are Back, Lagmind - Destiny, Portrayal of Guilt - We Are Always Alone, Electric Wizard - The Satanic Rites of Drugula, Silverstein - Poison Pill, Motionless in White - Reincarnate

Ragman - is going to miss his buddy Caleb.  Good luck my friend and May the ....

The Ragman Show - Episode 13


The Ragman Show - Podcast-012

Ever been scammed?  Ever think you could be so gullible?  Well your boy Ragman fell for the oldest trick in the book, after his phone was stolen in The Big Easy.  Tune out to hear his story.  Next he brings in his boy Alex for a chat about music, nonsense and what ever comes to mind.  

Editor's NoteDue to some maybe excessive beer drinking Ragman got the band wrong on the Fit for a King tour.  It was Northlane, not Lorna Shore.  Close right?  That said you will get both in this show.                                 

Beer of the Show:  Bad Astronaut - Fake Landing   Beer Rating:  3.5

Featured Tracks:  Story of the Year - Real Life, Lamb of God - Ditch, Behemoth - Arcana Hereticae, Ozzy Osbourne - Flying High Again, Lorna Shore - And I Return to Nothingness, Betrayal of Guilt - It's Already Over, Vinnie Vincent Invasion - Boys Are Gonna Rock, The Answer - Oh Cherry, Northlane - Clockwork

Ragman - This is s heavy one, prepare thy neck...

The Ragman Show - Episode 12


Podcast #278: Reunion

It's the return of the Genghis and Ragman Show.  Genghis makes his triumphant return to the show.  The boys reunited at Elder Son Brewing Co. to record their first show of 2023. What do you think about the new tunes from Extreme and Winger?  Join G & R as they discuss the latest singles from both bands.  Also, they dive in the miracles of A.I and what all it can do.  If that weren't enough, the guys get a detailed description of each beer from the Elder Son taproom manager Paige.  Time to kick back, grab a beer and get those horns way up!

Beer of the Show:  Elder Son Brewing - Juice is Loose  Beer Rating: 3.5

Featured Tracks:  Jorn - Black Phoenix, Extreme - Rise, Bohnes - Raging on a Suncday, Winger - Proud Desperado, Devil Wears Prada - Reaching, Sweet & Lynch - You'll Never Be Alone, Soen - Lunacy

Ragman’s Classic of the Show: Queensryche - I Will Remember

Genghis’ Classic of the Show: Extreme - When I'm President

-Ragman had a blast doing this show with Genghis!

Podcast #278: Reunion


The Ragman Show - Podcast-011

What is your fountain of youth for you?  Is it exercise, rock n roll, or beer?  I answer to all of the above.  Getting older sucks, but you can fight father time if you find that thing or things that keeps you young.  Are you a fan of supergroups?  If you are do you want the guys in the band writing the music, or someone writing it for them?  Tune in to get Ragman's thoughts.  Next Rag's brings in his buddy Eric Martin from Mr. Big.  Eric talks about Mr. Big's upcoming final tour as well as what he's doing on the side.  This is a fun one so buckle in, grab a beer and get ready to rock.  Horns Up!                                    

Beer of the Show:  Cerebral - Luminous Glow  Beer Rating:  4

Featured Tracks:  Revolutions Saint - Crime of the Century, Winery Dogs - Mad World, Mr. Big - Undertow, Fragile, Defying Gravity, Stay Together

The Ragman Show - Episode 11


The Ragman Show - Podcast-010

As humans why do we do the things we do?  Why is a bad idea usually the choice we make?  Join Rags as he discusses this an more.  Also, what happens when you're on tour and one of the band members go down with illness or injurty?  Does the show still go on?  Next Ragman met up with Trauma (Kris Gustofoson, Steve Robello and Brian Allen) to discuss their new album Awakening.  They also discuss the band's current tour with Marty Friedman and Queensryche.  They also talk about the reunion of the band after a 30yr break and the loss of their former singger Donny Hillier.  The band has been hell and back and is kicking major ass now.  So grab a beer and get ready to rock.  Horns Up!                                    

Beer of the Show:  Spindeltap - Stereo Chemistry  Beer Rating:  4

Featured Tracks:  Queensryche - Behind the Walls, Marty Friedman - Dragon Mistress, Vicious Rumors - Don't Wait for Me, Trauma - Meat, Walk Away, Burn, The Red River, Voodoo

-Ragman is on the edge...

The Ragman Show - Episode 10