CD of the Month
  • Mudvayne
    by Mudvayne
  • Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground New Edition
    Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground New Edition
    by Michael Moynihan, Didrik Soderlind
  • Retribution
    by Shadows Fall
  • Brutal Legend
    Brutal Legend
    Electronic Arts

Barn Burner - Bangers II: Scum of the Earth

Don't judge them for being early Metallica clones, these Canadians know how to thrash in the old school way.Wearing your influences on your sleeve as an artist is a double-edged sword: you may be praised for not only your [good] tastes but your ability to convey your inspiration's sound for new listeners, but you could be condemned for recycling the past and having no real sound to call your own.

Such is the case with Barn Burner, who despite claims that they have a totally unique sound, are the closest thing I've ever heard to Metallica, circa 1983's Kill 'Em All.  Which isn't a knock against them, actually. Many bands have tried to capture that ever-so-cool retro kinda sound unsuccessfully, but these guys have captured the essence of that classic proto-thrash sound - and they're from Canada.

Separating their obvious influence from the work at hand, Bangers II: Scum of the Earth makes for a great second album full of high energy tunes that rock from start to finish. Seriously, these dudes don't let up from the first note to the last, and it's the total old school thrill ride that makes you want to dig out your old skateboard and put on your Chuck Taylors.  You won't find Kirk Hammett-style licks here in the solos - in fact, some of the playing actually sounds a little sloppy in the best way - and the totally raw recording style makes the whole thing feel like you're in some small, beer-stained club thrashing with your best friends from high school. Admittedly, there are a couple of zigs and zags in the mix, like the 70s keyboard bit near the end of Gate Creeper, but overall, if you're a fan of the early 80s American metal sound, you must check these guys out.

The Bottom Line: Metalheads of a Certain Age will surely want to dust off their sleeveless denim jackets and mosh with abandon to the likes of Barn Burner. This is some great old school West Coast metal. Into the pit!

- Genghis would love to see an old school show again...


Mörglbl - Brutal Romance

Holy crap, Christophe can play. And it's the best kind, where it's heavy, melodic and appropriately self-aware.Man, I love me some crazy instrumental guitar. And damn if Christophe Godin isn't a bona fide phenomenon much in the vein of Matthias Eklundh or Steve Vai. Not to take away from his unique style, but like the aforementioned six (or seven, in some cases) string wizards, all of the ingredients you'd expect in an amazing instrumental guitar album are here with a [seemingly obligatory] Zappa-esque sense of humor and rule-bending in the service of musical virtuosity. You could call it jazz metal if you like, but to be fair, there's lots of things you could call this music and still not encompass all that's on display here.

Amidst all of the insane fretboard gymnastics, the rock solid rhythym section of Ivan Rougny (bass) and Aurelian Ouzoulias (drums) hold everything together (kind of like a cargo net trap dropped over a raging lion) making it work much to the thrill of shred-loving listeners. If you're still wondering what to make of it, uhhh, think along the lines of Primus meets...Bill Frisell?

The Bottom Line: Godin and company have made a fine guitar instrumental album that rightly takes its place amongst other such instrumental luminaries' works, such as [Steve Vai's] Passion and Warfare, while still managing to blow me away with incredible technique.

Tracks That Make You Say "Damn!" on Several Ocassions: Gnochhis on the Block, Le Surfer D'Argentine, Fidel Gastro

- Genghis nearly had finger cramps trying to air guitar to this one...


True Witness - The Human Condition

True Witness is new quartet from the Chicago area.  The band boasts that they are a pure metal band and a force to be reckoned with.  To be honest, I thought these were pretty bold statements from a new comer, and wondered if they could back it up.  If you look at the packaging of their debut CD The Human Condition, as well as the photo in the back booklet, you start to get a little concerned, because it wasn't much to shake a stick at.  I mean, I know most newer bands are on a budget, so rather than spending tons on the packaging, all they can do is just let the music do the talking, and talking it does.  I have to say I was very surprised by this one.  The band sounds good mixing the heavy with some intoxicating melodies.

The Human Condition is a 10 tracker, of the best that the band can offer.  The songs are catchy and stick with you.  The first track to grab me was the Disturbed-esque The Face of Evil.  It starts with a classic metal type riff ala Overkill, courtesy of guitarist Randy Gonnet.  After that, they kind of go into a Disturbed vibe with vocalist Allen James, evoking his best David Draiman.   The cool thing about this band, is that they have the ability to mold classic metal with the modern era.  Another standout track is the dark ballad Walking the Dead, which has a cool Nevermore feel to it.  Killer track.  All in all a solid release.  If I had one critique it would be that the production could be a little stronger, but that is about it.

Bottom Line: New Comers show that they can live up to their press release.  Solid metal release with a nice variety of tunes that will stick with you.

Standout Tracks: The Face of Evil, High Time, Walking With the Dead,Tell Me.

-Ragman was surprised by this one, in a good way.


Fastway - Eat Dog Eat

What ever happened to Fastway?  Good question.  The band that released one of my favorite sound-tracks of all time, for the cult classic movie Trick or Treat, has been absent from the scene for quite sometime.  To get you up to speed, they broke up in the early 90's and reformed about 5 years ago, but this time with an all new line up.  The only main stay in the band, of course, is former Motorhead guitarist "Fast" Eddie Clarke.  For this latest incarnation of the band, Eddie is joined by former Little Angels vocalist Toby Jepsen and drummer Matt E.  The band has just released their first album in over 20 years titled Eat Dog Eat.  Let's see if they's still got it.

Eat Dog Eat is an 11 track platter of classic hard rock with a bluesy edge.  The songs are basic hard rock, brought to life, by the soulful vocals of Jepsen.  Jepsen really injects alot of soul into these tracks, which makes for an interesting listen.  Check out the track Love I Need and you'll hear what I mean.  I have to admit, I was worried when I heard original vocalist Dave King wasn't with the band when they re-united, but Jepsen has put those worries to rest (Not real familiar with the Lea Heart era).  To be fair though, this is a totally different band.  The songs are not as heavy as they were back in the day, and really lean harder on the bluesy angle, than that of heavy metal.  A pretty solid release from start to end.  Not all of the songs will kick your ass, but there are enough on this CD to keep you interested.

Bottom Line Fastway resurfaces sounding older, while still remaining relevant.  A CD full of melodic blues rockers, with more hits than misses.

Standout TracksLove I Need, Dead and Gone, On and On and Fade Out.

-Ragman says what he will.


Ignitor - Year of the Metal Tiger

Yeah, you know him as the lead vocalist from 80's rockers Dangerous Toys, but did you know that Jason McMaster also fronts a couple of other projects.  Jason McMaster is no stranger to the scene; he once fronted the iconic techno-thrash band Watchtower, as well as his band after DT, Broken Teeth and his newest endeavor Evil United.  Busy dude! Jason is one of those killer vocalists that just seems to fly under the radar.  He is a very versatile vocalist. in that he can sing the more melodic style of Dangerous Toys, as well as be able to turn it up a notch, and sing more metallic with a band like IgnitorYear of the Metal Tiger is the second release that McMaster has fronted for the band.  The sound is basic meat and potatoes classic metal.

Ignitor is rooted in classic metal with an up to date sound.  The songs are closely rooted in the vein of classic Judas Priest (Jason lets out some Halford-esque screams at times).  Year of the Tiger is a 7 track release that packs a nice punch of old school metal.  Tracks like Shadow of the Needle and Beast in Black will get the fist pumpin and head banging within seconds.  The lyrics are of a darker nature, which coincides with the feeling of some of the tunes.  There is a definite dark feel about this release.  Don't let that scare you off though, because like Mystic Prophecy, there are some nice melodies on this CD as well.  If you dig bands like Primal Fear and Brainstorm, then this one is right up your alley.

Bottom Line: Meat and potatoes metal.  Nothing fancy, just pure hard rocking tunes.  McMaster sounding masterful, singing some of the heaviest material I've heard his sing in a while.

Standout Tracks: Shadow of the Needle, Beast in Black, We Are Ignitor and Island of the Damned.

-Ragman thinks he needs to talk to Mr. McMaster.