CD of the Month
  • Mudvayne
    by Mudvayne
  • Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground New Edition
    Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground New Edition
    by Michael Moynihan, Didrik Soderlind
  • Retribution
    by Shadows Fall
  • Brutal Legend
    Brutal Legend
    Electronic Arts

Rainbow - Live in Germany 1976

It is surprising that the strongest incarnation of Rainbow only recorded one studio album together, Rising.  The rumor mill might suggest that is was 1 1/2 (Long Live Rock N Roll - Rumors suggest that the original band might have put together a few tracks, before they made a line up change), but who really knows.  That being said, Eagle Rock Entertainment has just released a live collection of this classic line-up, on their only tour together, called Live in Germany 1976

The 2 disc set includes a best of from the band's first 2 albums, as well as a Deep Purple classic Mistreated.  The audio was taken from their tour of Germany back in the day.  This includes a solid set, which sounds amazing.  Dio and Blackmore as well as the rest of the band sound great.  Be ready to take a ride, because many of the tracks are extended with lots of jamming.  I really dug how the band took these songs, in so many directions, with the jams that came about within many of the tracks.  Not sure if these were planned or not, but it just showed how well the band was clicking at the time.  It would have been very interesting if this line up would have stayed together, because there is no telling what they would have put out.

Bottom LineA classic live release, from a very underrated band.  Rainbow before they got commercial.  A great introduction if to one of the bands that helped sculpt the music we know today.

Standout Tracks: Stargazer, Catch the Rainbow, Mistreated and Kill the King.

-Ragman wants the visual portion to this one.  It rocks!


Twisted Sister - Double Live (Northstage '82 and NY Steel '01) - DVD

Well Twisted Sister is at it again, by giving the fans more vintage video from their long standing career.  This time in the form of the killer new DVD Double Live.  Double Live is a compilation of two shows from the band from 2 different eras.  The first show is a vintage show of the band from 1982, right before they flew to England to record their now legendary Under the Blade album.  The show features a hungry band on the verge of something big.  It was shot in their home town of Long Island, which visually captured the band at their best.   This part of the DVD, was awesome to see and very entertaining.  Another bonus, is that you get fresh interviews with the guys reminiscing about that historic night.

The second show in this package, is from Eddie Trunk's NY Steel event, put on right after the 9/11 attacks.  This was a great cause that brought metalheads together to raise money for the families of Firefighters and Police officers that lost their lives from this vicious attack.  The show was also a landmark event, in that it brought Twisted Sister back together.  The band had somewhat reunited prior, but this was the first full show the band did after their reunion, and it was all caught on tape.  Hallelujah!  Essentially this was the official re-union of the band.  It is a great show where the band played all of the classics.  The band were firing on all cylinders and sounded and played great.  Just like the previous feature, this one includes some new interviews with the band talking about re-uniting and this show.  This is a great package that is essential for any TS fan.

Bottom LineTwo classic Twisted Sister show. One from that is old school and one from the not too distant past.  All in all, 2 classic shows that now are available to the public.  This one is a must for hard rock fans.

-Ragman is loving all of the recent classic TS releases.


Modern Superstar - Under My Skin

Modern Superstar is made up from some previous members of Bullet Boys (Ryche Green) and Britney Fox (Jamie Fletcher).  Don't get too excited, because the guys in this band are probably dudes, you are not too familiar with.   Both guys were in later incarnations of these band.s after the originals had departed.  That being said, the two have formed a band to bring back the sounds of hard rock from the 80's/early 90's, but unfortunately it fell a little flat.

Moderns Superstar's debut release is mediocre at best.  The songs are tired and just don't have enough originality to stand on their own.  With the resurgence in this sound over the last few years, some have tried to capitalize, but many have failed.  To make it in the industry today, the sound can be based in that era, but you still need to keep it sounding fresh and I think that is where Modern Superstar falls short.  The songs are okay, but not great.  The only song that I kind of got into was their remake of the Steelherart/Steel Dragon tune We All Die Young from the Rockstar movie.  They sound good on that one, but that was about the only one.

Bottom Line: Average hard rock.  Songs are okay, but not great.  Note: I have a pet peave about song titles, and this one sent me over the edge.  Txt U gud' bye - Really????

Standout Tracks: We All Die Young and Generation Star.

-Ragman needed some aspirin after this one.



The Dwarves - Born Again

It is hard to believe that The Dwarves have been around almost 30 years.   The Dwarves are one of the last original punk bands left in the world today.  These guys are the real deal, and they prove it on their latest CD Born Again.  Not being the biggest punk fan, I wasn't sure how I would like this release, but I ended up loving it. 

The disk is packed full of 18 songs, which mostly don't clock in longer than 2 min. each.  The songs are catchy and the lyrics are sophomoric, but fun.  If you like fast aggressive music with lots of vulgarity, then this is your band.  I was blown away as to how melodic and memorable the tracks on this CD were.  This CD is prefect to put on at a party when there is lots of alcohol flowing.  It would be a hit.  This one is fun when you're sober as well.

Bottom LinePunk rock at it's purest and it's best.  Fun melodic songs about debauchery, need I say more.

Standout Tracks: The Dwarves Are Still the Best Band Ever, We Only Came to Get High, Happy Birthday Suicide and Working Class Hole.

-Ragman is exploring his punk side, though there will be no mohawks in his future.


Pagan's Mind - Heavenly Ecstasy

Pagan's Mind consistently put out solid product.  They are one of those money bands, that you can count on to give you a solid platter of music, from release to release.  IF you're not familiar with the band, you should be, because they are a force to be reckoned with.  The band has a progressive sound, with a really heavy edge.  It has been 4 years since the band's last release, God's Equation, so the band had to dig deep to produce another stellar release, as strong as their last.  Heavenly Ecstasy marks the band's 5th studio release and as its predecessors, it does not disappoint.

The CD starts off strong with the track Eyes of Fire, which is driven by a cool keyboard progression that morphs into a killer heavy melody.  The next track to kick my ass was the mid-tempo track Into the Aftermath, which shows another side of the band, by mixing in some guttural vocals.  They are subdued and not prevalent in the song; but they do add to the heaviness of the track.  Another killer song that mixes in this heavier style vocal, is the killer track Revelation to the End.  The coolest thing about this track though, is the bridge before the solo.  The break starts with a 80's bass lick ala Extreme, before kicking into this sick heavy riff that emulates the flash of the 80's.  Dude I  almost wet myself, when I heard this.  It is that killer. 

Pagan's Mind have a killer way of melding the best elements of power metal, with progressive music.  They have strong melodies with memorable choruses, that will stick with you.  Another thing about this band is the killer musicianship, which is displayed within every release. This is one killer CD, that should not be overlooked.  Great melodies and memorable chorus, topped by some kick ass musicianship.  Great release from start to finish.

Bottom Line Solid progressive/power metal, mixed with some heaviness.  Great songs executed to a T.

Standout Tracks: Eyes of Fire, Revelation ot the End, Follow Your Way and Into the Aftermath.

-Ragman has renamed this CD, audio ecstasy.