Antfarm Dickhole

What would happen if your body was invaded by ants? Well, you might have an antfarm dickhole. No seriously. Antfarm Dickhole is the latest B-Horror flick from the demented mind of Bill Zebub. I picked this one up, based on the title alone. As you might of guessed, this movie is about a guy that has an army of ants in his dick. The plot is simple, if the guy gets scared or threatened then the ants come out of his dick to wreak havoc on anyone that upsets our hero. His friends try to kill the ants, but in most cases, wind up dead. That is pretty much the movie. As per most Bill Zebub movies, the special effects are cheap and the laughs come fairly frequently, and if you take it for what it is, you're entertained. If you're looking for a serious horror flick, you've got the wrong video, but if you're looking for some sophomoroic humor then you've got you're movie. By the way, this oen give you a little more bang for your buck, with the inclusion of Assmonster at the end of the main flick. Now that's entertainment!
Bottom Line: Only Bill Zebub can come up with a plotline as fucked up as this, and somehow make it entertaining.
-Ragman thinks this movie gives a whole new meaning to, ants in your pants.

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