CD of the Month
  • Mudvayne
    by Mudvayne
  • Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground New Edition
    Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground New Edition
    by Michael Moynihan, Didrik Soderlind
  • Retribution
    by Shadows Fall
  • Brutal Legend
    Brutal Legend
    Electronic Arts

Circle II Circle - Consequence of Power

Circle II Circle finally starts sounding like a different band from Savatage - and it rocks.I've been very curious to hear what the new Circle II Circle CD would sound like after vocalist Zak Stevens came back from Machines of Grace.  MOG was a bit of a departure for Stevens, being that the band is rooted more in hard rock than metal, so it will be interesting to hear if he brings that influence to Circle's 5th offering.  Consequence of Power brings the return of Circle II Circle and the band have decided to shake things up, just like I hoped they would.  The new CD finds the band finding their own identity, allowing them to crawl out of the shadows of the mighty Savatage.  The band has incorporated several styles on this CD, to give the listener a nice variety, and to keep them on the edge of their seats.

The first couple of tracks are good, but it wasn't until the 3rd track Out of Nowhere, that my ass started to get kicked.  The track starts out with a cool bass lick before kicking into this mid-tempo rocker.  The track is fueled by a killer groove, with double helping of balls and chunk.  Great Track.  The thing I like most about this disk, is how that band have mixed in groove, prog and power metal all in to one sound.  The band have finally found their identity with this one, distancing themselves further away from the Savatage sound.  With the exception of the ballad, Blood of an Angel, this CD gives you a more distinct sound from the band.  Not to bad mouth their previous efforts, but it is nice to hear them branch out.  If I were to critique anything, it would be the somewhat stale production, but other than that, this one is a keeper.

Bottom Line: Circle II Circle coming into their own, and finding their sound.  A 10-track CD full of heavy melodic rockers.  Circle II Circle sounding less like Savatage and more like themselves, and that is a good thing.

Standout Tracks: Out of Nowhere, Take Back Yesterday, Remember and Blood of an Angel

- Ragman wonders if there will ever be a Savatage reunion...


Frank Zappa - The Torture Never Stops

I'm just gonna say it: "This mother had some invention!" Eh? EH?!I have to admit I am not the biggest Frank Zappa fan.  The most notable thing that I can remember Zappa doing was fighting the PMRC in the 80's and that Steve Vai played with him for a short time.  Other than those two items, I'm clueless.  I couldn't name a song or hum a melody, even if I had a gun to my head.  Zappa has always intrigued me, but never brought me to the point where I said to myself, "I have to check this guy out".  It wasn't until the recent release of The Torture Never Stops (TTNS), that I decided to see what all the hype was about.  TTNS is a 1981 MTV concert, filmed on Halloween, from the New York Palladium; a concert that has not been available in its entirety, until just recently.

To say Zappa and his band were eccentric is quite the understatement.   On a scale of 1 to 10, these guys were an 11 - and being that it was Halloween just made these guys even kookier.  Don't get me wrong, even though these guys look a bit off, they are all excellent musicians in their own right.   Not being a fan of the band beforehand, I feel this DVD is a good introduction in to the twisted world of Zappa.  I had heard that Zappa was a good guitarist, but never got the chance to witness his playing until this DVD, and I have to say I was impressed.  I can't say that the songs or his vocals blew me away, but I did enjoy watching he and the band do what they do.  If you're a Steve Vai fan, you will love this DVD, because you get to see some very early footage of this living guitar legend.  Also, if you listen closely, you will realize what a huge influence Zappa was on Mr. Vai.  All in all a very enjoyable watch that'll keep you entertained throughout.

Bottom Line: Zappa and his band looking freakier than ever on this Halloween bash.  A well-shot vintage video that has resurfaced for a reason...because it rocks.

 - Ragman can't believe Frank could play like that...



There are some movies out there that just try to get your attention by the name, especially B-Movies.  Without the promotion of a big entertainment company, small filmakers have to do what they can to try to catch the average Joe's attention.  The title has to be racy and provocative.  You all know that I'm a B-Movie freak, so I try to check out the oddest titles possible.  The latest one I decided to check out, was the film Horno.  Horno is a film about a guy that wants to revolutionize the adult film industry, by making the first adult horror film.

Horno comes off as a second rate Bill Zeebub flick.  The movie is filled with bad acting and cheap effects, but lacks some of the twisted humor that makes Bill's movies somewhat watch able.  Horno takes place on location in a hotel room for a mock zombie porn flick, but when some suspicious pills are taken, the cast and crew are taken over by the undead.  In theory, not a bad plot line, but when poorly acted, it can get painful, and this one did.  This wasn't a total disaster, but pretty close.  The movie drags in points and is just too idiotic to try to comprehend at times.  You know a movie is bad if your praising how short it is.  This one comes up around 53 min.  Pretty bad flick when that is the high point of the DVD.  I will say this, the latter part of the movie makes it tolerable, but as a whole... not so much.

Bottom LineA bad, bad movie.  Bad acting, cheap effect and bad humor.  That about sums it up. 

-Ragman is still wondering why he wasted an hour on this flick.


Podcast #114: Yuletide

Our thanks to Don for a great interview. "Here's to you..."It's that time of year again as Genghis & Ragman reveal their annual Kicks and Kisses List.  Find out what events, albums, or whatever in the world of metal were kicks or kisses [to the balls] in 2010.

Next, the boys chat with comedian Don Jamieson from VH1 Classic's That Metal Show who discusses the show as well as his upcoming record on Metal Blade.

Beer of the Show Rogue - Santa's Private Reserve Beer Rating: 2.5

DVD of the Show Saxon - To Hell and Back Again

Featured Tracks: Steel Panther - Sexy Santa; Ronnie James Dio - God Yest Ye Merry Gentlemen; Saxon - Batallions of Steel; Dimmu Borgir - Chess and the Abyss; Dio - The Last in Line (Live); Taking Dawn - Time to Burn; James LaBrie - Misled; Judas Priest - Desert Plains; De Van - Shine; Accept - Teutonic Terror; Blind Guardian - Tannerlorn; Rage - The Beggar's Last Dime; AC/DC - Let's Get it Up; Various Artists - We Wish You a Metal Christmas.

 - Genghis and Ragman hope that all had a great Christmas (several weeks ago)...

Podcast #114: Yuletide


Podcast #113: Trunk

Say what you will about Jaz, but the man's a snappy dresser.Genghis & Ragman discuss the small but significant empire that metal maven Eddie Trunk has built for himself since his days as an AR rep.  While his radio work has done much for metal, it seems like his TV work is a little too commercial (for lack of a better word) for Genghis' liking.  As for Jim and Don, they're as important as talk show sidekicks have always been... Next the boys rounded up legendary vocalist, Jaz Coleman (Killing Joke), for a one on one.  Jaz discusses the reunion of the original line up as well as their latest release, Absolute Dissent.

1st Beer of the Show: Oskar Blues - Old Chub  (Beer Rating: 3.5)

2nd Beer of the ShowOmmegang - Adoration  (Beer Rating: 2)

DVD of the Show: Velvet Revolver - Live in Houston, TX

Featured Tracks: Creation's End - Shadow and Flame; Bullet Boys - Smooth Up In Ya; Velvet Revolver - Fall to Pieces; Skid Row - Wasted Time; Tracy G Group - Superstition; Killing Joke - Love Like Blood; Absolute Dissent, The Raven King and Chessboards

Classic of the Show: Dio - Stargazer

Genghis' Pick of the Show: Heed - Enemy

Ragman's Pick of the Show: De Van - Rain

- Ragman and Wifey have found a new love: Beer Pong!

Podcast #113: Trunk