CD of the Month
  • Mudvayne
    by Mudvayne
  • Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground New Edition
    Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground New Edition
    by Michael Moynihan, Didrik Soderlind
  • Retribution
    by Shadows Fall
  • Brutal Legend
    Brutal Legend
    Electronic Arts

Creation's End - A New Beginning

A solid punch of hard rock with a metallic edge.Persistence pays off, as I always say, and that is exactly what happened to guitarist Rudy Albert and drummer Dario Rodriguez, who are the driving force behind newbie's Creation's End.  I use the term newbies loosley, since the band is made up of some metal veterans.   Albert and Rodriguez have been compliling tunes since 2003 and just recently went into the studio to record them.  Once the basic tracks were recorded the boys recruited some big names to give them a hand, like vocalist Mike Dimeo (Riot, Masterplan) and guitarist Marco Sfogli (James LaBrie). 

Creation's End bring a nice blend of power with some progressive metal.  I wouldn't say they are a power metal band, because I don't believe they are in the truest sense, part of the genre.  They just bring a solid punch of hard rock with a metallic edge.  The first track on their debut CD A New Beginning, is a track called Of Shadow and Flame which blends the power with the prog.  This is a mid tempo rocker that has some killer guitar work by Sfogli.  It has a catchy chorus and a strong melodic vibe.  The cool thing about this CD, is that all of the songs are written well and contain strong melodies.  A solid CD from start to finish, that gets stronger with each spin.

Bottom Line: A supergroup of sorts, in which each individual shines at their craft.  The music will appeal to hard rock and progressive metal fans alike.  Go get it.

Standout Tracks: Still Life, Of Shadow and Flame, World Holocaust and Forsaken

- Ragman can't believe what a strong metal year this was.


Podcast #112: Suck

Do not be tempted to think Kamelot or Thomas Youngblood have anything to do with suckage. Cuz they rock.Ever wondered what the worst hard rock/metal song was?  There're quite a few, unfortunately, so narrowing it down would be tough.  But join Genghis and Ragman as they discuss some of the biggest misses by some of their favorite artists.  Next, the boys chew the fat with Kamelot guitarist Thomas Youngblood as he discusses the band's latest CD Poetry for the Poisoned, as well as the status of vocalist Roy Khan.

DVD of the Show: Heavy Metal Parking Lot

Beer of the Show: Boulevard Brewery - Tank 7 Farmhouse Ale  Beer Rating: 2

Featured Tracks: Mama Kin - In the City; Tesla - Cummin Atcha Live; Journey - Separate Ways; Judas Priest - Freewheel Burning; Twisted Sister - Leader of the Pack; Two - I Am A Pig; Gene Simmons - When You Wish Upon a Star; Winger - Down Incognito; Rush - La Villa Strangiato, Time Stand Still; Megadeth - No More Mr. Nice Guy; Blue Murder - Itchicoo Park; Kamelot - Silent Goddess, The Zodiac, Necropolis, The Great Pandemonium and Rule the World

Classic of the Show: Sevendust - Black

Ragman Pick of the Show: In This Moment - The Promise

Genghis Pick of the Show: Nevermore - Without Morals

- Ragman will not be watching the playoffs

Podcast #112: Suck


That Time Of Year

Do yourself a favor and get the Bad News DVD!Yup, it's nearing the end of the year, and the crew at The Right To Rock tend to wax philosophic. In practical terms, this means putting out our 4th Annual Kicks and Kisses list where Genghis and Ragman talk about the events, albums, concerts, etc that were either a kiss or kick to the balls.  For a detailed listing, check out the appropriate post in the Discussions forum where you can post your comments and/or throw in your 2 cents on the issue.

Here's to you guys for listening to us all this time, and here's to metal and beer, our two best friends. Happy holidays to you and yours this season and - most importantly - keep those HORNS UP!

- Genghis wishes he was cashing in on Christmas...


Dio - At Donnington UK: Live 1983 & 1987

Classic, rare, live recordings from The Man remind us how rich his legacy truly isIt seems like there has been about a release a month, for the past 3 months from either Dio or Heaven and Hell.  We truly miss Ronnie James Dio and the musical genius he was, but at least there is plenty of material in the archives to keep his spirit alive.  The latest gem, are some rare (BBC) recordings of the Dio band, from the Castle Donington festival (Monsters of Rock) from 1983 and 1987.   This new release, Dio - At Donington UK, is a two disc live set from each respective year.  These tapes came for the Dio archives and was one of the last things Ronnie worked on.  The release comes out on Dio and wife Wendy's label Niji Entertainment.  From what I've read, this is just one, of several releases of archived material to be coming our way from the great one.

The first disc shows, a young Dio band trying to get their sea legs in a midst of other metal giants.  Dio just coming off the bad split from Sabbath had something to prove and did with the release of Holy Diver.  The set list on the disc is interesting, because it is comprised heavily on Rainbow tunes.  Of course, at the time Dio only had one solo record under his belt, but I was surprised there was not more Sabbath tunes included.  The band sounds great and it is interesting to hear their interpretations of tunes from Dio's former bands.  The band sounds hungry and delivers a commanding performance.  If I had one critique on this disc it would be that the vocals are sometimes drowned out, making it hard to hear Ronnie. Another bonus is that you get to hear Vivian Campbell actually play guitar.  It has been awhile.

The second disc, and the one I was anticipating a bit less, is from the band's performance in 1987.  the band was out supporting the Dream Evil record, which I felt was not one of the bands best records, but have since found a new respect for the CD.  The band as a whole sounds like they are in more of a comfort zone with this performance.  The band has shown what 4 years can do to mature a band.  The band sounds amazing on this recording, and I have to say I was blown away by Craig Goldy's performance.  Goldy was on fire that day, and you can hear it.  This show has a better mix and sounds better that the previous disc.  Solid set list.   All in all a nice package with some replica backstage laminates from each show.  Very cool memorabilia.

Bottom Line: What can I say? Dio delivers once again.  A solid two disc set that shows how much a band can come together in 4 years.  The only thing missing from the recording is the video.  I want this on DVD.

Standout Tracks: Disc 1 - Straight Through the Heart, Heaven and Hell; Disc 2 - Neon Knights and The Last in Line

- Ragman can't wait for the next release - hopefully, some archived video footage!


AAAH! Zombies!!

Another horror comedy with zombies? Count me in!Nothing like a good zombie movie, especially if there is a little comedy mixed in.  I was never a huge fan of horror/comedy genre until Shaun of the Dead, but since then I've been more open to the concept.  Well, to be fair, Return of the Living Dead () did get me believing that the two genres could mix; believe me I'm kind of a purist when it comes to horror movies, but if I know that there is going to be a comedic angle involved, then I can accept it for what it is.  It's when they don't tell you this that pisses me off - but I digress.  The latest movie to be spot on for mixing the two genres is the spectacular AAAH! Zombies!!

AAAH! Zombies!! is a tale of 2 couples that drink some government special sauce toxic goo that transforms them into zombies.  The great thing about this film is that the couples don't realize that they are the undead; there are hints that something is afoul, but the gang just can't figure out what's going on.  They're convinced by a fellow zombie that they are superhuman soldiers, but as body parts and other things start to fall off of them, they start to get suspicious.  This is a well done film, and the use of black & white and color is pretty clever.  When the couple are in black & white they're viewed as zombies, but when in color, they appear normal - with the exception of a few flesh wounds.  A solid flick all around, this is a movie that could be enjoyed year round for the comedic angle.

Bottom Line: A humorous film about zombies that don't realize they're zombies.  How funny is that?  Add comedy and gore, what else is there to need?

- Ragman will have this one in the rotation for a while...