CD of the Month
  • Mudvayne
    by Mudvayne
  • Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground New Edition
    Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground New Edition
    by Michael Moynihan, Didrik Soderlind
  • Retribution
    by Shadows Fall
  • Brutal Legend
    Brutal Legend
    Electronic Arts

Podcast Interview: Steve Kachinsky (Steel Prophet)

The boys recently caught up with Steel Prophet guitarist Steve Kachinsky, to discuss Steel Prophet's latest release God Machine and how it differs from past releases.  Steve discusses the departure of vocalist Rick Mythiasin and how R.D Liapakis (Mystic Prophecy, Devil's Train) got the gig.  He also discusses how challenging it was to create a following in the 90's, in the U.S., as well as how they were able to penetrate the European market.  Steve also discusses possibilities of touring as well as what they have planed in the future.

And hey if you dig Steel Prophet's music as much as we do, then show them some love by purchasing their music from your favorite online store won't you?  HORNS UP!

Featured Tracks:  Steel Prophet - When Six Was Nine, Life=Love=God Machine, Thrashed Relentlessly, Damnation Calling, The Tree of Knowledge

-Ragman loves what Lia adds to the band.

Podcast Interview: Steve Kachinsky (Steel Prophet)


Podcast Interview: Donnie Vie 

The boys recently caught up with Ex-Enuff Z' Nuff vocalist Donnie Vie, to discuss his latest release Beautiful Things.  Donnie discusses his journey from losing his passion for music as well as how he gained it back.  He also talks about how the song, I Could Save the World fueled the entire release.  If that wasn't enough, Donnie also talks about his exit from Enuff Z' Nuff and how one of his former band mates got him banned from playing a club, until Steel Panther singer Michael Starr pulled some strings and got him up on stage.  Lastly, Donnie shares some of the last days he interacted with original Enuff Z' Nuff guitarist Derek Frigo. Stay tuned for for more talk with Donnie, in the near future.

And hey if you dig Donnie Vie's music as much as we do, then show him some love by purchasing his music from your favorite online store won't you?  HORNS UP!

Featured Tracks: Enuff Z Nuff - Good Times Are Hard to Find, Donnie Vie - Beautiful Things, I Could Save the World, Plain Jane, Wrapped Around My Middle Finger.

-Ragman is so glad that Donnie is back!

Podcast Interview: Donnie Vie


Podcast Interview: Greg Burgess (Allegaeon)

The boys recently caught up with Allegaeon guitarist Greg Burgess, to discuss Allegaeon's latest release Apoptosis.  Greg discusses the band's love for Rush as well as their love for naming songs that fans can't pronounce.  He also discusses the musical complexities of the band as well as what they tried to achieve with the new album, by going with a more meat and potatoes approach.

And hey if you dig Allegaeon's music as much as we do, then show them some love by purchasing their music from your favorite online store won't you?  HORNS UP!

Featured Tracks:  Allegaeon - Animate (Rush cover), Exothermic Chemical Combustion, Tsunami and Submergence, Extremophiles (B), The Secular Age

-Ragman is diggin' the heavy stuff lately.

Podcast Interview: Greg Burgess (Allegaeon)


Podcast Interview: Tuomas Saukkonen (Wolfheart)

The boys recently caught up with Wolfheart guitarist/vocalist Tuomas Saukkonen, at Warehouse Live, in Houston, to discuss Wolfheart's latest release Constellation of the Black Light.  Tuomas discusses the bands most recent tours of the U.S. as well as their last tour supporting Children of Bodom.  He also discusses the challenges of touring abroad.  Tuomas aslo gives insight behind their videos as well as how the band has evolved since it's inception.

And hey if you dig Wolfheart's music as much as we do, then show them some love by purchasing their music from your favorite online store won't you?  HORNS UP!

Featured Tracks:  Wolfheart - The Hunt, Breakwater, Everlasting Fall, The Saw

-Ragman is diggin' the heavy stuff lately.

Podcast Interview: Tuomas Saukkonen


Lords of Chaos (BluRay)

Out of nowhere rock biopics, have become a thing.  Many a time I have wondered which band's story was crazy/intriguing enough for a movie to be made documenting their debauchery.  Well within the last year or so, we have seen movies about Queen and Motley Crue, which have left the viewer with a feeling of disappointment.  I preface this by saying, true fans of these bands, for the most part are disappointed.  I believe that if you're too big of a fan of a band, that if the writer/director of a film does not follow their story to the T, then you will be disappointed.  I think movies like Bohemian Rhapsody and The Dirt have done well, because they were able to draw in the average fan, whom is not as familiar with the band's history.  Being a huge Crue and Queen fan I was disappointed by the inaccuracies and embellishments put in these films to entertain the casual fan.

All of that said, there was a film that was released recently, that peaked my interest focussing on the band Mayhem.  Not being a fan of the band, I was intrigued by all of the mischief and all around bad shit these guys were into.  I wanted to see this film to see just how fucked up these guys were and I found out.  Again, not being a fan, I'm not aware how much the director got right or wrong, since I am not familiar with their music or story.  The film I'm speaking of is Lords of Chaos.

Lords of Chaos is the story of the Norwegian black metal band Mayhem.  The story is told primarily by the band's leader Euronymous who is hell bent on creating the black metal genre in the late 80's.  He is the leader of the band, but seems to be influenced by others to do things that he didn't know he was capable of doing.  He talks a big game, to create hype, but when asked to commit unthinkable acts by band mate Varg, he follows suit.  This is the tragic tale of metal, murder and church burnings.  This one was intriguing from the start and did not let up until the tragic end.  Must see, even if you're not a fan of the genre.

Bottom Line: A well done rock biopic that digs deep into the bowels of black metal and it's creators Mayhem.  I'm not sure if the purist, Mayhem fans are happy with this one, but I was.  It made me go straight to youtube to see what these maniacs were all about.

-Ragman thinks this is one of the best rock biopic he's seen in awhile.