The Agent Orange Creamsicle

- 1 scoop of Häagen-Dazs® Hawaiian Lehua Honey and Sweet Cream Ice Cream
- Buffalo Bill Brewery’s Orange Blossom Cream Ale
Turtlehead dropped this in our e-mail today and we thought we’d pass it along. Just imagine coming in from a hot day after mowing the lawn, resurfacing the pool, or burying a body in the Bonneville Salt Flats and kicking back with a well-deserved respite of this concoction. The beer’s orangey taste (originating from orange peel, honey and even a little orange flower extract for good measure) is complimented nicely by the sweet ice cream’s intoxicating Lehua honey payload. It’s like an orange creamsicle that gives you a buzz (well, after enough of them maybe). Enjoy the summer, kids.
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