Inbred Redneck Vampires

When B-movies go bad...I like a good B-Horror movie like the next guy, but it has to be somewhat watchable for me to get into it. Some try to mix comedy with horror and some just try to go for that full-on fright angle. If the director is really trying and is clever, I’ll buy into it, but if there is a lack of effort and it is painful to get through, then that is where I have to draw the line. As we all know, vampire flicks are all the rage these days, especially with the success of the killer HBO series True Blood and the lame Twilight series. You have to be careful when making a movie about bloodsuckers, because there is so much out there, you have to distinguish yourself from the masses. The latest vampire flick to hit my DVD player was Inbred Redneck Vampires, let’s see if it has what it takes to make it into the rotation.
Redneck Inbred Vampires is about a female vampire, and her human minion, who’s plot is to turn a whole redneck village into a vampire army, in order for her to battle a vampire slayer. Sounds interesting, but it has to be done well, to pull it off. As with most B-rated flicks the acting is somewhat poor and the effects are pretty cheesy, but I’m okay with that, as long as the story stays on track and remains somewhat entertaining. Instead of focusing on the vampires, the movie focuses on a couple of dip-shit rednecks and a gay decorator. Sounds weird, I know. A small portion of the movie focuses on the vampire and her quest for redneck domination, but the majority focuses on the decorator, a dwarf and a moron. I have to say I came close to turning this one off several times, because it was soooo bad. This was not one of the better B-flicks I have seen, by far. Some may enjoy this one, but my guess is, it won’t be many.
Bottom Line: One of the worst movies I’ve seen in some time. It was painful to watch at times, and it is a miracle I made it through the whole thing. Some might get a kick out of it, but I‘m sure the audience that this flick will attract will be fairly small.
- Ragman has a headache

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