Lights Camera Dead

After the first half hour, it ain't all that bad...Well it is getting closer to Halloween, so it's time to bring in some horror movie reviews. My latest quest is a B-Rated horror flick called Lights Camera Dead. LCD is a movie about and aspiring movie director named Ryan, that will do whatever it takes to make a great film. Ryan and many of his friends have decided to make a horror film named The Music Box. The Music Box is your classic serial killer/slasher film. When the film doesn't go as planned, and the whole cast quits, Ryan devises a plan to get the cast back together and film them being murdered one, by one.
In theory, this is a cool plot that should work, but as with most B-movies, the acting is poor and the special effect leave much to be desired. The first 35 to 40 min. of the flick, are forgettable, but once the killing starts, things start to turn around. The movie is not bad, but not great either. Like I said the acting is poor, but the storyline is just interesting enough to keep you watching. If you're bored, and are looking for a okay horror movie, then this is your film.
Bottom Line: B-movie that is worth a view, once you fastforward through the first 30 min. or so. Also, a bonus is that friend of the show Richard Christy (Charred Walls of the Damned, The Howard Stern Show) makes a cameo.
- Ragman got what he expected

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