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There are some movies out there that just try to get your attention by the name, especially B-Movies.  Without the promotion of a big entertainment company, small filmakers have to do what they can to try to catch the average Joe's attention.  The title has to be racy and provocative.  You all know that I'm a B-Movie freak, so I try to check out the oddest titles possible.  The latest one I decided to check out, was the film Horno.  Horno is a film about a guy that wants to revolutionize the adult film industry, by making the first adult horror film.

Horno comes off as a second rate Bill Zeebub flick.  The movie is filled with bad acting and cheap effects, but lacks some of the twisted humor that makes Bill's movies somewhat watch able.  Horno takes place on location in a hotel room for a mock zombie porn flick, but when some suspicious pills are taken, the cast and crew are taken over by the undead.  In theory, not a bad plot line, but when poorly acted, it can get painful, and this one did.  This wasn't a total disaster, but pretty close.  The movie drags in points and is just too idiotic to try to comprehend at times.  You know a movie is bad if your praising how short it is.  This one comes up around 53 min.  Pretty bad flick when that is the high point of the DVD.  I will say this, the latter part of the movie makes it tolerable, but as a whole... not so much.

Bottom LineA bad, bad movie.  Bad acting, cheap effect and bad humor.  That about sums it up. 

-Ragman is still wondering why he wasted an hour on this flick.

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