Eric Carr - Unfinished Business

It is hard to believe that Eric Carr passed away 20 years ago. Another rock soldier taken in his prime. Eric left us with a lot of great memories and music. Recently, Eric's family dug up some old demo's and released them as Unfinished Business. Some of the tracks first surfaced on the Rockology release from a few years back, but this time they have been given the royal treatment. Many of the songs on Unfinished Business have been re-recorded, with several guest musicians. Some of the songs are the actual demos which have only been touched up in the studio, but the others are new versions.
The songs that stand out the most on this CD are tracks that include vocals and are full tunes. I really dug the lead track Just can't Wait featuring Ted Poley (Danger Danger) on vocals. Alos, hat's off to our boys in Z02 for doing some killer rendition of All Hell's Breaking Loose. Another treat was hearing the track No One's Messin' With You, which later became Little Caesar on Kiss' 1989 release Hot in the Shade.
The CD is broken up with snips from Eric interviews over the years. The only knock on the CD I have, is that I was hoping to hear more extensive interview audio. The songs on the CD are dated and the production isn't the best, but this CD is a must own for Kiss/Eric Carr fans. Most of the songs are well written and would have been interesting to hear had they been given the full Kiss treatment. A cool memento for Carr fans.
Bottom Line: Getting to hear what could have been. A nice memorial to a great musician, who was struck down in his prime. Would be interesting to see Bruce Kulick get some of these tracks together and do them with his band and a solid vocalist.
-Ragman needs to talk to Mr. Kulick.

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