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Stratovarius - Elysium

The boys have made a more guitar-driven album than they've done in years. And I likes it!After the somewhat disappointing Polaris release, Stratovarius have regrouped and recently released their second post Tolki release Elysium.  Elysium is the second CD the band has done, since the departure of original guitarist Timo Tolki.   As many of you know, Tolki had a mental breakdown in 2008, which led to his departure from the band.  Stratovarius, like Tolki have continued to release new material in regular fashion.  An interesting point, is that both bands release new product about the same time as one another.  As stated earlier, Polaris was disappointing and veered too far from the original sound.  Polaris was much more keyboard oriented than previous efforts, so hopefully Elysium with go back to a more guitar driven sound.

Elysium starts off with a little more of the same, average power metal songs that don't grab you.  It wasn't until track 4 that the CD came alive to me.  Fairness Justified is a killer slow tempo track that oozes with the classic Stratovarius sound.  It is a slow, heavy melodic rocker, which will get the fist flying and the head banging.  Great melodies and a catchy chorus.  Elysium is a mix of uptempo power metal rockers and slow heavy melodic tunes.  I would say that the record is split between the good and the mediocre.  The good out way the bad on this one, principally based on the (3 part) title track, which frigging rocks.  It is a blend of classic metal and hard rock all mixed into to one.  All in all, a nice CD which signals that the band is on their way back.  The next one should rock balls!

Bottom Line: This album is more guitar driven than the last record and also hearkens back to the classic sound.  I wouldn't say they're there yet, but they are getting closer.  This CD is less reliant on the keyboards and more dependent on the guitars, which is a good thing.

Standout Tracks: Fairness Justified, Lifetime in a Moment, Elysium

- Ragman has renewed faith in Stratovarius

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