God Bless Ozzy Osbourne (Blu-Ray)

Ozzy is one crazy cat. Now to wait with bated breath for a Blu-Ray treatment of The Decline of Western Civilization: The Metal Years...You know I'm a sucker for a good documentary - especially if it has to do with something metal. The latest to catch my eye is a documentary on the self-proclaimed prince of darkness, Ozzy Osbourne. The film had a brief stint at the theaters before making its way onto Blu-Ray. The movie I speak of, of course, is God Bless Ozzy Osbourne which was put together by Osbourne's son, Jack. A retrospective of Ozzy's life and career, the movie touches on his childhood, musical career, and family. GBOO is a fairly comprehensive film, touching on many glossed over areas of both his public and private life, and featuring interviews with Ozzy's family as well as his musical contemporaries.
I really enjoyed this Blu-Ray, and thought did a good job of shedding some light on some of the man's personal demons. My only complaint is that they didn't focus enough on the Blizzard of Ozz/Diary of a Madman period, which is easily the most compelling era of the man's career - though I still can't believe their wasn't more available footage of Oz with Randy Rhoads. It is good to see that Ozzy has his shit together, which will hopefully lead to a killer new Sabbath record. One of the better docs I've seen in a while. Go get it!
Bottom Line: Ozzy undressed for the world to see who he really is. Once you see this, you will better understand the stupidity behind their reality series.
- Ragman is thinking of making some sweet leaf tea...

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