Issa - The Storm

While the singer isn't without talent, you'd swear she hitched a ride on a DeLorean to 2011.I don't know a lot about mononymous Norwegian singer Issa, but if you told me this CD was found in the glove compartment of an abandoned 1985 Mustang somewhere, I'd believe you. Don't get me wrong, it's not that this album is bad in terms of production or songwriting provided you take it as a product of the classic 80s melodic rock its clearly modeled after. I'm telling you, had this album come out as is in 1985, you'd be seeing Issa's blonde tresses all over an episode of I Love The 80s. On a side note, even her videos have an 80s flavor [I don't think she planned].
As it is, however, it comes across as derivative ("retro", at best) in an era of 21st century rock music that's seen countless bands come and go that were built on this formula. And while the guitar work fits nicely over the same old keyboard patches and echoey drum kit, it's hard to ignore the "been there, done that" feeling you get listening to an admittedly competent group of musicians.
The Bottom Line: One the one hand, it's the same old melodic rock sound from nearly 30 years ago, but on the other, it's catchy grooves and choruses that are just as listenable as they were so long ago. So what's the harm?
- Genghis is remembering how hot he thought Jan Kuehnemund was back in the day...

Reader Comments (1)
I stayed away from this as many on did because of the press release the label gave. It was all model shots of this "hot" chick. No focus on the music (Amanda Summerville) Plus I really don't find her that attractive. And the music video is a joke. Really terrible all around.