Zombie Babies

Zombie Babies is about 2 hillbilly rednecks, that run an illegal abortion clinic in a Hotel/Casino. Their practice is extremely low budget, as their surgery tools consists of only a coathanger. On paper this could be entertaining, but in reality, not so much. The story starts off with four couples going in for abortions at the same time, but with only 3 going all the way through with it. Since it is a hotel, the guests stick around and eventually get picked off by mutant babies. Zombie Babies is full of bad acting, 2nd rate jokes and really poor special effects. I like a good B flick, just like the next guy, but this one got hard to watch.
Bottom Line: Gore, goobs and boredom sum this one up. A horror flick with a decent idea, but not excecuted well at all. If you're going to watch this one, make sure you have lots of booze.
-Ragman had to nudge himself a few times during this one.

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