Gillan & Iommi - Who Cares (2 Cd's)

I can't believe a year has passed since Tony Iommi (Black Sabbath) and Ian Gillan (Deep Purple) released the Who Cares project, for the music school in Armenia. If you don't remember, the two rock legends teamed up a year ago for charity, and recorded, the now classic tracks, Holy Water and Out of My Mind. A year later, the two have compiled a 2 CD set of tunes, to continue their support to Armenia. The CD set, once again, is titled Who Cares. The CD is made up of rare tracks as well as the two previously released new tracks. It is a nice mix of tunes from the two, with the selections weighing a little heavier on the Gillan's works.
I would have to say my favorite pieces come from the unreleased tracks from Iommi and Glenn Hughes. I'm guessing these were left overs, from the last Iommi solo record, featuring Hughes. Also, I dug hearing the lesser know track Anno Mundi from the Sabbath album TYR. That was a treat. I have to admit, I was more impressed with the Gillan tracks, than I initially thought I would, which was refreshing. All in all a very nice addition to the collection. Two rock icons collaborating and making metal magic. It don't get much better than that. If that doesn't sell you, remember this is for charity. If that ain't enough, get it, because it has a killer Deep Purple jam track called Dick Pimple. Now that is worth the price of admission.
Bottom Line: 2 instant classics, plus some killer rare and unreleased tunes from two rock icons.
Standout Tracks: Out of My Mind, Anno Mundi, Slip Away and Don't Hold Me Back.
-Ragman if there is anymore Iommi/Hughes material laying around..

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